NOAA 15 , 18 & 19 still transmit analog weather map data
simple SDR programs and a cheap tuner dongle along with a home made antenna will allow anyone to recieve and view satellite weather maps
I'll gather and post complete info
NOAA 15 , 18 & 19 still transmit analog weather map data
simple SDR programs and a cheap tuner dongle along with a home made antenna will allow anyone to recieve and view satellite weather maps
I'll gather and post complete info
>I'll gather and post complete info
you can get weather sat images from ancient analog sats NOAA 15, 18 & 19 by building a QFH antenna
>Back in October/November of 2016 Lucas Teske showed us how to receive weather satellite images from the GOES line of geostationary satellites with an Airspy SDR (and possibly an RTL-SDR too), dish antenna and the decoding software that he created.
and a later follow up article
archive of this thread so far