Holy shit! Any of you crusty ass boomers remember GamerGate? Probably not, well the short version is gamers discovered an indie game developer that shall not be named was sleeping with gaming journalists for good reviews of her shit game. Well this pissed off a lot of gamers and developers alike so they demanded disclosure and reform in the gaming journalist scene. That's when things went crazy. Instead of apologizing and making concessions, (((journalists))) banded together through multiple outlets and declared GAMERS ARE DEAD for being mean to some slut and attacked the gaming community as a whole for being misogynist, man baby rapists, I am not exaggerating.
This sent gamers into a frenzy and a new type of war broke out, this was the first ever meme war. Gamers picked up shovels and started digging and weaponizing meme like their games depended on it, because they very well did. It turned out that the slut that was sucking dick for good reviews was born into a certain (((family))) and not only that but they discovered a dark underbelly of marxist communist SJWs that were taking over the gaming industry and shifting the culture of gamers to a 'more tolerant and accepting multi-culti gaming community' bullshit and all the digging lead back to DARPA via DiGRA who was behind all the funding and think tanks that were pushing this forced cultural shift.
lmfao. I always had this weird reminiscence of the Trump campaign and the fucking fiasco that was GamerGate. It is so nice to see that the chickens are coming home to roost all these years later.
Heres more reading on Gamergate if you're interested and relevant posts have been attached. https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/GamerGate
This is a repost that made notables last nightReposting for information awareness