Anonymous ID: 041b82 Sept. 3, 2018, 11:40 a.m. No.2860465   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0557

See anon >>2860115, you have committed a thoughtcrime on this board and for that you are a 'concernfag'. >>2860178


Concernfag, shill, etc. We are no better than liberals and Marxists using thought-stopping ad hominem attacks to stifle dissent. Sometimes dissent IS JUST WHAT IT IS - dissent. I don't like McStain dying as a hero, I don't see how the truth will destroy a Republic that has already been weakened by so much corruption and so many lies which are no foundation for any future that would stop this from ever happening again. The Republic must be restored to its original intent - we need something new built on integrity, not the same lies and business as usual. Q is welcome to further explain why the truth is so dangerous to the little people of the world who are still treated as children who can't handle it.


Those in charge are smarter than us plebs, aren't they? They can move the plan forward and release the truth and preserve the Republic and lead the world in spreading the cure if they want to. They have the resources and the brainpower to accomplish that. People have never been more ready for the truth than ever before. So far the apparent reluctance of the white hats in doing that points to this being nothing more than regime change. Meet the new boss same as the old boss. Children are being eaten, raped, trafficked, aborted by the millions. They are our future. If we do not wake the world up we will destroy ourselves as a species in a few decades. Evidence of Satanic pedophilia will unite the world, as will the release of the cures and free energy. Expose the cabal for all to see, teach humanity the lessons so that we never allow this to happen ever again. Do not make us support lies like McStain 'was a hero and the greatest patriot in history of this country evah'. Tell everyone THE TRUTH so people can decide what world they want to live in and those who want freedom and justice can have it for once. Make it clear that Satanic pedophiles will not be tolerated here ever again. Make Earth Great Again.