What about Ukraine? 1.5M people displaced; Poroschenko and his wife have Soros money; huge trafficking problem; Israeli weapons connection; Russian conflict flashpoint. Poroschenko and his crooks need to go, but what is better?
What about Congo? Soros and crew mucking about in Congo; big supplier of industrial grade diamonds to Russia and China; other resources; now Ebola breaks out in south suspiciously after north resolved? This is a CIA hotbed for 50 years. Access to kids and orphans now? Church groups and foundations?
South Africa? Plenty said here.
Venezuela? Attempted assassination; collapsing economy; large Chinese population; China wants naval base and agriculture to feed China; Old Guard Under Secretary of State (before he was that) messing around down there for BHO; humanitarian crisis; missing children. Is Rasmussen’s wife connected (Maria Jose Moyano Rasmussen)?
We’re focused on Iran.. NK.. Syria.
But through history these people use small conflicts and distractions .. to weaken military force projection by splitting attention, they create crises at home while the King is focused on foreign, and they don’t hesitate to kill people or cities or civilizations to control our destiny!
I am concerned that the longer you drag this on trying to cast a bigger net, the more time they have to strike and change direction. I understand the need to reduce the risk of loss of life, but that is how they killed the western Roman Empire.. The general kept splitting his forces to garrison the towns.. and all it took was one political backstabbing and his army was crushed by the Visigoths near Ravenna. Sometimes to save the world, you have to decide you can’t save all the world. You can just do your best and follow the path God laid for us. These evil bastards are counting on DJT being a good man.. sometimes you need to be an asshole!
Prayers and Blessings for those that must make such decisions. I ask for all those that serve the Light and the One True Creator to come to our aide to defend against the attacks by the evil ones and their masters. Let the Light and Truth be manifest so that all those that follow the Light boldly proclaim: WWG1… WGA!!
Praise God!