Anonymous ID: 4d550c Sept. 3, 2018, 11:08 a.m. No.2860114   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0140





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Anonymous ID: 4d550c Sept. 3, 2018, 11:10 a.m. No.2860125   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0144 >>0181 >>0350

Bank Tells South African Farmers They Will Have to Pay Debts for Property Seized by the State


South African farmers subjected to land expropriation without compensation will still have to pay off their debts for property which has been seized by the state, according to a major bank.


In an email from Nedbank widely circulated on social media, now confirmed as genuine by Head of Group Media Relations Kedibonea Molopyane, according to The South African, farmers are warned that their debts will have to be paid in full even after their property is confiscated by the government.


It reads as follows:


“It is important to note the Home Loan agreement is subject to a contractual agreement, and bond payments remain due and payable until such time that the bond is paid in full irrespective of any form of land expropriation – with or without compensation. We would encourage you to continue with the bond payments until such time a determination is made.”


The African National Congress (ANC) under President Cyril Ramaphosa passed a motion for the expropriation of land without compensation in February 2018, originally moved by its former youth leader Julius Malema — who now heads the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), a radical black nationalist and Marxist-Leninist party.


This motion was withdrawn after U.S. President Donald Trump publicly intervened to challenge the policy, widely recognised as being geared towards dispossessing the country’s white minority, as happened in Zimbabwe in the 2000s — with disastrous consequences.


“I have asked Secretary of State [Mike Pompeo] to closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures and expropriations and the large scale killing of farmers,” he tweeted, referring to statistics compiled by civil rights groups such as AfriForum which show farmers are facing a disproportionate level of attacks, often marked by extreme brutality.


However, observers such as independent journalist Laren Southern, who helped to bring the issues facing South Africa’s white minority to international attention with her Farmlands documentary earlier in 2018, have cautioned people not to celebrate too soon.


Miss Southern believes the motion has only been withdrawn to make way for a more thoroughgoing constitutional amendment which will remove any potential legal issues with respect to seizing white farmers’ private property — an interpretation which would seem to be borne out by the ANC’s public statements on how it intends to move land expropriation without compensation forward.

Anonymous ID: 4d550c Sept. 3, 2018, 11:14 a.m. No.2860165   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Miami Jury: CIA Involved in JFK Assassination


Jury: CIA Involved in JFK Assassination. Not a single major newspaper nor any national news broadcast has ever reported that on Feb. 6, 1985, a jury in Miami concluded that the CIA was involved in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.


Not a single major newspaper nor any national news broadcast has ever reported that on Feb. 6, 1985, a jury in Miami concluded that the CIA was involved in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.


This is remarkable, if only because the verdict came in a court case featuring two international celebrities: Water gate burglar E. Howard Hunt — perhaps the most infamous CIA operative in history — and his courtroom nemesis — attorney Mark Lane. Lane’s ground-break ing best-seller, Rush to Judgment, had convinced millions of readers there had been a conspiracy in the JFK assassination, the Warren Commission’s claims notwithstanding.


Scattered news reports did mention Hunt had lost a libel case against The SPOTLIGHT. However, no media reported what the jury forewoman had told the press:


Mr. Lane was asking us to do something very difficult. He was asking us to believe John Kennedy had been killed by our own government. Yet when we examined the evidence closely, we were compelled to conclude that the CIA had indeed killed President Kennedy.


Until 1992, when Lane recounted the trial in Plausible Denial and put forth additional compelling evidence of CIA complicity in the crime, the only substantive news reports about the trial appeared in The SPOTLIGHT. In issue No. 7 for 1985 (Feb. 18), The SPOTLIGHT announced its victory, detailing the remarkable events that led to the trial.


The affair was set in motion on Aug. 14, 1978, when The SPOTLIGHT published an article by former CIA official Victor Marchetti who revealed the CIA intended to publicly “admit” Hunt had been involved in the JFK assassination, acting as a “rogue” agent without CIA sanction

Anonymous ID: 4d550c Sept. 3, 2018, 11:17 a.m. No.2860194   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0202

8 people shot at apartment complex in San Bernardino. Police are unsure of the motive


Eight people were shot during a dice game in San Bernardino, California. While none of the eight have been pronounced dead yet, a 17-year-old is in grave condition and two others are in extremely critical condition.

What do we know so far?


According to a press release from the San Bernardino Police Department, the incident occurred at around 10:45 p.m. PDT on Sunday. Officers in the area reported hearing multiple gunshots.


The victims were reportedly in the common area of an apartment complex, possibly playing a game involving dice.


While they were attempting to help the wounded, officers at the scene were confronted by what they described as a hostile crowd. The press release stated:


When officers arrived, they found multiple people with gunshot wounds, some of which were unresponsive. They attempted to apply first aid and called for medical aid to assist. During the attempts to administer first aid and coordinate medical, there was a hostile crowd that emerged from within the apartment complex. Officers requested the assistance of other agencies nearby with clearing the crowd.


“We had multiple victims down, it was a very chaotic scene,” San Bernardino Police Capt. Richard Lawhead told reporters, KABC-TV reported. “The crowd was uncooperative. Units from multiple agencies responded to the call for assistance.”


Lawhead, CNN reported, said the police were looking into the possibility of gang violence, but they had not concluded yet that this was the cause. Both handguns and rifles were used in the attack, but none of these weapons have been recovered.


It is unclear why the crowd was hostile toward the police, or if they had been involved in the attack itself.


The police report that except for the two critically injured adults and the gravely injured 17-year-old, none of the other victims had life threatening injuries and they are all expected to survive.

Anonymous ID: 4d550c Sept. 3, 2018, 11:21 a.m. No.2860237   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0441

Taliban Wants Direct Peace Talks With Afghan Government - Reports


MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The news come after earlier announcement of Afghan Foreign Ministry it would not attend the Moscow format meeting on Afghanistan on September 4. Currently, Taliban commander Sher Agha stated that the negotiating sides should be represented by Afghans.


Taliban* movement is in favor of direct peace negotiations with the Afghan authorities without waiting for the participation of other parties, Taliban commander Sher Agha said Monday.


"Peace negotiations should be among Afghans and for Afghans. We should not wait for Pakistan, Iran, Russia, or America to bring peace to Afghanistan," he said, as quoted by CNN.


In August, Afghan Foreign Ministry spokesman Sibghatullah Ahmadi told Sputnik that Kabul would not attend the Moscow format meeting on Afghanistan on September 4. Later, the Afghan Foreign Ministry said in a statement that Kabul would take part in talks in Moscow or elsewhere if the Taliban showed willingness for peace talks. The conference was later postponed, while the new date has not been set yet, according to the Russian Foreign Ministry.


Afghanistan has been experiencing significant political, social and security-related instability for decades, as various terrorist organizations continue to stage attacks against civilian and military targets.

Anonymous ID: 4d550c Sept. 3, 2018, 11:27 a.m. No.2860292   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Swiss Set to Ease Arms Export Rules Despite Syria Grenades Report


ZURICH—Switzerland looks set to loosen arms export rules to allow sales to countries embroiled in civil wars despite a newspaper report that Swiss-made hand grenades probably made their way into the hands of militants in Syria.


State arms maker RUAG Holding acknowledged that grenades it sold to the United Arab Emirates 15 years ago likely found their way to the militants after the report by SonntagsBlick.


Even so, members of the Swiss People’s Party (SVP), the country’s largest, said on Monday, Sept. 3 they doubted this would dissuade the government from easing rules on arms exports, a move proposed in June after the nation’s weapons industry asked for the changes.


Two key parliamentary committees have signed off on the new policy, which the government can implement via regulation.


Under the new rules, countries locked in civil wars could buy Swiss arms so long as there was no reason to believe the weapons would be used in the internal conflict.


Proponents of the relaxed rules, including in the SVP, say they are necessary to help protect jobs in Switzerland’s independent arms industry seen by some as crucial to Switzerland’s ability to protect itself in a crisis.

Anonymous ID: 4d550c Sept. 3, 2018, 11:28 a.m. No.2860311   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump Is ‘Authentic’ in Public and Private: Australian Ambassador to the US


Australia’s ambassador to the United States, Joe Hockey, says Trump is “authentic” and has delivered to the American people what he has promised.


The former Australian politician says Trump is likely to be re-elected.


“The thing about Donald Trump is that he is authentic in private,” Hockey told Alan Jones, host of Sydney’s 2GB radio, on Aug. 31. “And publicly, people see him as authentic.”


“He is one of the most formidable politicians I’ve ever seen in my life,” he said.


“If I were a betting man, I’d say that you would bet that he would be re-elected,” he added.


Hockey said Trump has delivered what he has promised, drawing on examples of the U.S President having cut taxes, strengthened the U.S. economy, withdrawn from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, and pulled out of the Paris climate agreement.


“He is someone who can go back to the American people and say emphatically, ‘Here is what I promised. Here is what I have delivered’—and when did you last have a president like that?” Hockey told 2GB.


Hockey, who has played a couple of rounds of golf with Trump, commented that he has a “very inquisitive mind.”


“He’s always asking questions about ‘what do you think of this? what do you think of that?'”


“He’s underestimated by a lot of people,” Hockey said. “And there’s real momentum behind him in the United States.”

U.S. and Australia


Hockey said he had previously underestimated the significance of the relationship between Australia and the United States.


“[The U.S.] are our closest allies in the world and every day they help to protect Australians from terrorists, from major threats. It’s such a crucial relationship,” Hockey told 2GB.


“Australia has military personnel in 32 U.S. states. We are the 2nd biggest purchaser of U.S. military equipment. At an intelligence level, we are arguably their closest partner. Very few people realize that.”


The Trump administration has often sought counsel on policies because Australia has not been judgemental about the president or the administration, Hockey said.


“They respect us for not going down the path that so many other countries have of constantly forming judgments,” Hockey said.


Hockey regards his role as the link between Australia’s prime minister and the U.S. president and says it is important is that the relationship between the two be maintained. Hockey said he has “no doubt” the new Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, will do well in this regard.

Anonymous ID: 4d550c Sept. 3, 2018, 12:03 p.m. No.2860773   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0804



NOTE: They were supporting this group a week ago.Then the white hats in the US declared it a terrorist organization effectively blocking the Turks. This fight has very blurry lines I tried to post my theory a few days ago but while in the process my system froze up and the theory was lost. Coincidence???


Turkey Finally Designates Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham As Terrorist Group


The Cabal will not have time to rename this entity which has been (((their))) means of avoiding exposure and attack.