Anonymous ID: cb8fa2 Sept. 3, 2018, 11:26 a.m. No.2860287   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A historic building that used to house members of the Royal Family and Sea Lords is now governed by Sharia law, MailOnline can reveal.


Admiralty House is one of two more public buildings that are revealed today to operate under Islamic law following the revelations that government properties were quietly transferred to finance an Islamic bond scheme in 2014.


In addition to two Department of Health buildings and the Department of International Development property on Whitehall, the bond scheme also covers Admiralty House and an unidentified building at 4-26 Webber Street in Southwark, south London.


It takes the total number of government buildings that were transferred to fund the £200million Islamic finance scheme to five.

Anonymous ID: cb8fa2 Sept. 3, 2018, 11:31 a.m. No.2860335   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0356 >>0369 >>0406 >>0727 >>0809

Another alleged UFO sighting near Charlotte has appeared on Facebook and in this case, it was posted by a husband and father who says he doesn’t necessarily believe in UFOs.


Javion Hill, 35, of Kings Mountain, North Carolina, says he took several photos of the object during a storm on the night of Aug. 18, as he drove on U.S. 74 southwest of Charlotte.


The images feature something square hovering above the treeline, with its edges fringed in lights. Hill told the Charlotte Observer the craft frightened him to the point that he didn’t sleep that night.

Anonymous ID: cb8fa2 Sept. 3, 2018, 11:55 a.m. No.2860667   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Shits been around for a LONG time.


Thomas Townsend Brown was born in Ohio in1905, two years after the Wright brothers took off. By his teens he was already dreaming about space travel, tinkering in his parents' garage with the ideas that would obsess him for the rest of his life. One day, while experimenting with X-ray tubes, he applied a high voltage electrical charge to a capacitor (a device for storing electricity) attached to a glass tube suspended from the ceiling. To Brown's astonishment, the tube began to rotate, apparently propelled by electricity itself.


Aged 18, Brown was taken under the wing of Dr Paul Biefield, a close friend and colleague of Albert Einstein. Biefield was deeply impressed with Brown's discoveries and together they proposed the Biefield-Brown effect. This states that when an electrical current is applied to a capacitor, it will move in the direction of the flow of current - towards its positive pole. And so the fledgling field of electrogravitics was born.


By the early 1950s, Brown had developed platforms, three feet in diameter, which he is said to have demonstrated hovering and rotating. The American military classified the results, but they neglected to support Brown's research. This proved to be the story of his life. Brown never got the funding he wanted, but he continued to develop his ideas until his death in 1985.


But the story continues in the research of groups exploring electrogravitics, among them Boeing, Nasa and BAe Systems. Closest to Brown's original vision are the "Lifters" being built by American Antigravity and others - skeletal metal frames that can lift a pound in weight, propelled by electric currents. Thomas Townsend Brown's name may be forgotten, but his dream lives on.