Anonymous ID: 0175c5 @Watson re cerificate Sept. 10, 2018, 10:19 p.m. No.2971126   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Exactly my thought.


The whole reason for the criminal case against him was because someone(co-owner of creditor) though it was real and wanted him to draw avainst it an ungodly sum, for which just the processing agent's handling fee(a percentage) was going to be $600million.


He refused. There were sour grapes and they made the false allgation of him possssing a forged certificate, to get the document seized and "safely" in the hands of the police in their "very safe" evidence locker.


Now, the subsequent civil complaint, also makes notice that the police then took the certificate(or maybe a fake copy of it) to Switzerland to have it analyzed. Something was mentioned about them doing this without the Court's permission?


In Switzerland, it (or what they presented) was deemed fake.


Only the police had control over the certificate pending the court case against Hamod…


Some good questions are, did they steal the original?


Is there a reason to make people think it is fake? So the bank can keep the money?


A cop could buy a whole new identity with thei share and be living in a villa on Lake Cuomo.

Anonymous ID: 0175c5 @Watson- more docs please Sept. 10, 2018, 10:59 p.m. No.2971551   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1628


Give me more Congo docs in French if any more.


Want to know if he was made honorary consul.


Wonder if they gave him any consular ID he could then use to get through customs.


His travel history becomes very important after that.