Anonymous ID: 0b1a9e @Watson- If I may Sept. 8, 2018, 4:10 a.m. No.2933128   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6737 >>7015 >>7045


1st doc pictured from a person in their chief of state to someone in office of travel and migration.


Subject: rqst for travel visa


"we have the honor, as kindly requested, to bestow a TRAVEL visa to Mr.Priest…, holder of an Australian passport #PA2893397, "gardener" of the Chief of State Civil House out of Australia, via S. Africa and(visa) will arrive this Saturday, 18th of March.


Attached, we have provided you with a photocopy of the subject passport."


2nd doc- letter stating a "work" visa has been granted.


"Object: Invitation to carry out a work(travaille)visit to Congo Brasseville.


"in view of a discussion of business opportunities, the Australian HEART OF AFRICA TRADE DELEGATION who … with a diversity if sectors of activities, has arranged a work visit to Republic of Congo from March 30 to April 5, 2017.


The "leader" of the delegation is: Mr. Priest…


Thus, the diplomatic mission of our country, Dem. Republic of Congo is pleased to assist OUR(notre=our) GARDENER to obtain the visa fir their work trip to Brazzeville.


You may rely on me, Mr. Ambassador, in assurance of my distinguished consideration.




(I skipped the doc hidden with paperclip logo- will do last as it occurs last in sequence)


Nextdoc- Attestation of Residence(interesting- and just roughly translating this one) stated that Mr Priest, an Australian is now residing in Kinshasa. It says now that he is Director Proffessional of JEWELRY. "bijou" =jewel. A Bijoutier= Jeweler.


The hidden doc with paperclip symbol is bestowing upon him title of an "honorary" ambassador in thanks for his work. Will go back and do that one in another post. It's late now. This post is long for me, phonefagging.

Anonymous ID: 0b1a9e @Watson interpreting Sept. 8, 2018, 5:05 a.m. No.2933303   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The paperclip doc is saying they have accepted hisnomination for an honorary ambassador, inspite of not having submitted, as per rules to qualify, a letter of good moral standing from his country, a letter of residence and a letter from a reputable bank attesting (good credit?) it does not say they have awarded him the honorary title.

Anonymous ID: 0b1a9e Sept. 8, 2018, 4:02 p.m. No.2939042   🗄️.is 🔗kun


We will all have to get up to speed on the underlying facts of Insigniagate.


Am still not sure of some things.


He is described as a "gardener" (head groundskeeper?) at some (Australian?) government house. A historic building with grounds to be maintained?


I know that, at least in the US, there are different types of visas, i.e. travel, work, spouse etc.


visa volanye-=travel visa


visa de travaille = work visa


It could be M. Priest is greatly qualified at the level of a landscape contractor and his vocation title us lost in translation?

He may very well have gone on this "sejour d'travaille" (a working trip) to give them advice on the landscaping of their own government building in Brazzeville for a week from March 30 to April 5, 2017. So far so good. His visa application was granted prior and mailed via South Africa. Is that our Bijoutier(jeweler) angle? Have to go back and check if that was his route of travel or did they send his visa that way.

Anonymous ID: 0b1a9e @Watson re The Gardener's son? Sept. 8, 2018, 6:09 p.m. No.2940328   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Sorry, only chimed in to help translate the French Congo docs but, in doing so, need a quick run-down.


Is this Eliahi Priest( I can't help but be amused) the son of the gardener?


Is he of dual citizenship or something? Note how the letterhead on the letterhead of the Maison Civil Chef d'Etat matches where it says he is the "partenaire"(gardener) for the Maison Civil Chef d'Etat.


Maybe this Australian has been contracted advise them in their landscaping? A groundskeeper is no small job title and not without some prestige if it is for a government.


The one direct correspondence from the DRC govt to Mr Priest in Queensland treats him as a foreigner in consideration for an honorary Consul betw their govt and Queensland(notice not a real consul and not betw their govt and Ausralia but betw their govt and Queensland- so a step down, not such a great honor).

Anonymous ID: 0b1a9e @Watson getting clues Sept. 8, 2018, 7:18 p.m. No.2941081   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Let me say this. The documents pictured are not in date order. Caused me a litlle confusion. Is that part of the intrigue of this case? I don't know. But to clarify:


The March 16 letter is from their State Dept equivalent(House Civil Chief of State) to their Immigration/customs equivalent. It implies his role is already "partenaire" (gardener) for the sending agency(see letterhead)

a d that they have given him a travel visa (visa volante) and his travel will originate from Australia, VIA SOUTH AFRICA, and arrive in Kinshasa on March 18, 2017. Where do they have all those diamond mines? This is a couple if weeks prior to another visa granted (as a group?) to HEART OF AFRICA, which he is the responsible party for, from March 30 to April 5.


His next document is in mid September stating he is residing in Kinshasa, and says he has remained in Kinshasa(doesnt say since a specifc date but dies say) without interruption, and there is nothing in his papers(passport/visas) to indicate any interruption in his being there. At this point, has he been in the Congo since March 18? Was this a standard type of foreign registry documentation ir was it being obtained to show residency in relation to application for hinorary consul which is documented later In October?


Is this guy recruited while oversees while contracted to do some landscaping for their govt building?


Big question, does an Honorary Consul have the same privileges of diplomatic immunity if carrying, oh let's say a package or something from the Congo to Australia?


Is that the reason why the document re nomination for honorary consul was given?

Anonymous ID: 0b1a9e @Warson-The Case of the Consul Sept. 8, 2018, 8:12 p.m. No.2941612   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6830


You will remember my telling you of my studies in African exploration when I tell you that the idea of bestowing an honorary consulship is not without precedent.


Dr. David Livingstone was given a very unusual Consul of Quelimane position prior to the Zambesi Expedition, a title many jaded officials in Her Majesty's Gov't no doubt smiled in secret and saw it for the conceit that it was. Nevertheless, it was bestowed and was deemed a diplomatic protection for Livingstone and the Zambesi expedition.


The sticky widget(using an English term to set the scene) was that because the area of the expedition took them through territory that was, although barely maintained, claimed by the Portuguese government which because there was some question of their being secretly complicit in the slave trade, was a sticky situation.


As I said those jaded HMS state dept officials saw it as a created position. Of note, Livingstone was a commoner, only raised to public prominence because he had written a bestselling book re his recent crossing of Africa from the East to the West coast.


Of note, like in this case, it was not a full consulship between Her Majesty's Govt and Portugal, but a lesser consulship betw HMGovt and a run-down foreign post with a couple of hundred people called Quelimane in the East coast of Africa.


The real consulships were normally given to persons of a higher birth.


The fact is, it was done, for reason and effect.


So is the Gardener really foreigner for them? Is it possible he is described in code? Need to find his profession in Australia. If it is a codename/ descriptor, what does a gardener do? Does he cultivate? Plant? Arrange? Make fruitful arrangements? Lots of double entendre possible meanings to be had there. But really need to eliminate/confirm his gardener identity.

Anonymous ID: 0b1a9e I-gate origin Sept. 8, 2018, 8:36 p.m. No.2941851   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What is insigniagate? By that, are there different moving parts to it? Is the Gardener story a vignette, smaller sub-story to the bigger picture and maybe this guy, Eliahi Priest is the son or some relation to Peter Priest? Is it possible Eliahi was digging re (his father's) Records and followed the thread to that other stuff you mentioned?


Agree though, I tend to shy away from that White Dragon society stuff, if they are the source. If he only refers to them, then he is just misled.


Guess we will see. This didn't come from British Fight posting it?

Anonymous ID: 0b1a9e Sept. 8, 2018, 8:47 p.m. No.2941951   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2996


Ah, now I see. He just refers to them. Don't throw the baby out yet.


He may just be some unstable guy who has some really complicated information to hash out and has been ineffectual in sorting it out.


When was he declared unstable?

After, discovering this info? By who? Is he unstable, paranoid or overreaching to try to make connections with what he has?


I wonder if some anon approached a US govt oversight committee with some of the info discussed here, but yet incomplete, they might not get the same response.


Let's approach the intel separately from any if his White Dragon references. Maybe he has polluted his own investigation by mentioning the WDS. Let's see what else comes out. Let anons work in it Awhile.