Anonymous ID: 28376e Sept. 18, 2018, 12:19 a.m. No.3070135   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0581 >>7546

Did some digging into this. Nothing conclusive so far. Even the "CIA" phone recordings are probably intelligence or LEO playing along with his story about "five star trust" in order to see what he really thinks, believes, or might actually know, i.e. might have actaully had a security clearance at one point.


There's no way any CIA or other high level agent would spill that information on a phone call to someone who is already trying to call them out on crimes.


>some bouts of mental instability but that does not have anything to do do with the actual intel itself.


The "intel" i can find so far is bunk, bogus, nothing. Can he prove anything? Prove his clearance? And yeah, massive collections of conspircy webpages, random images and memes do not "intel" make.

Anonymous ID: 28376e Sept. 23, 2018, 5:04 p.m. No.3156998   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2012



I'm not disputing that the CIA runs drugs/guns, etc. but this Five Star Trust stuff is so far not verifiable, and the majority of the files in this drop seriously damage the credibility of the rest. Why include obvious BS like this?


>Unsourced, uncorroborated docs


>No provenance or proof of sources (stolen from Kennedy, etc)


>Speaking candidly of identities that most insiders don't know while talking of how a big a deal it is that it's secret.


>Alleged documents from a KNOWN CRACKPOT "Rauthschild" treated as evidence


>Alleged use of "fivestartrust" on Skype and reeks of the contact info used by this source, "Ernest Rauthschild AKA Pharoah, Prime Minister of the United States of North America" who his clearly trolling or mentally insane, or both. and .fo both choke on this. Hopefully it remains live for a good long time for posterity:


It really is one glorious dumpster fire aboard a trainwreck of tinfoil hattery that makes flat earth, Nibiru, and lizard people sound tame.