Ensin17 ID: 3bb90c Human Trafficking & Satanic Ritual Abuse Sept. 14, 2018, 6:20 p.m. No.3027645   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7708 >>2819

Thank you to my Insignia Gate Anons for covering my bases while I handle the Live Op moving forward.


It was asked by some Anons somewhere in an earlier Bread or perhaps even in Reddit why I have not handled Human Trafficking in the Drop.


My response was that I simply do not have enough prosecutable evidence like whats found in the drug trafficking and money laundering intel.


In saying this I have taken the time to address the subject by bringing you the two best witnesses I believe are available on the internet - that is Fionia Barnett & Isaac Kappy. Its alot of information but relates directly back to Intel Q has been dropping.




Hollywood Actor Isaac Kappy talks further about his damning allegations about his Ex-Friend Seth Green & Wife Clare Grant linking them to a Child Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) Network in Hollywood. Big names also dropped include Steven Spielberg & Tom Hanks.


Courageous SRA Survivor, Fiona Barnett discusses her view on the International CIA child trafficking network and its links to the MK Ultra Program. Connecting the dots between Australian Politicians, media figures and International world elite involved in these crimes.