Anonymous ID: 4cf798 Got those words for you Sept. 15, 2018, 4:33 a.m. No.3031626   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1635 >>5578


I know this isn't much, but I can help you with the difficult to read "???" words and names so you can tevise it. Here we go:


2nd paragraph- insert SUM (of money)


3rd paragraph- insert AWAITING (the release)


4th paragraph- insert BURMA


5th paragraph- insert PROJECTS. The context here is that he is talking about competing construction "projects".


7th paragraph- insert (the name) MASAYACHI ITO. My context/reason to believe this is because of typographical errors in this letter and common typo errors.

I believe the typist transposed the C and the I of his name.

Anonymous ID: 4cf798 Sept. 15, 2018, 5:15 a.m. No.3031758   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5794


>but we would really like to dive into the content of the drop.


Have always been a fan of delegating tasks to reduce waisted effort.


Would recommend you post docs and subjects you, the I-gate Anons would like input on. Targeted effort. Just tell us, like we've got this area figured but could use help in this other area.


Please bring documents here to 8ch. It helps to discuss and refer to them.

Anonymous ID: 4cf798 @ Watson Sept. 16, 2018, 12:08 a.m. No.3042920   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2994


Ahah! Listened to first half of the video interview you posted 9/15 in which E states he worked at one time as a LANDSCAPER when he lived in Scotland! Must have been something about him that told me he had gardenening in his roots!

Anonymous ID: 4cf798 Sept. 16, 2018, 12:20 a.m. No.3042994   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9300


ps - but seriously, have been reading alot and watched some vids too. Been doing more reading, less posting.


Do you think GRANDFATHER and the EAGLE II, BLACK EAGLE here may at some point be related to Q's similar signoffs?


Can you hint at overlap with Q's drops and I-gate?

Anonymous ID: 4cf798 Masayoshi Ito- paragraph 7 Sept. 16, 2018, 1:22 a.m. No.3043308   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3325 >>9300


Did a wiki-search for Masayachi Ito. It took me to Masayoshi Ito whose bio is this: Masayoshi Ito (ไผŠๆฑ ๆญฃ็พฉ Itล Masayoshi, 15 December 1913 โ€“ 21 May 1994) was a Japanese political figure. He served as acting prime minister of Japan in 1980 after the sudden death of Masayoshi ลŒhira. He then served as foreign minister of Japan from 1980 to 1981.


I think he is a probable match due to his political background and serving as foreign minister and finally as prime minister.


My speculation is this is the guy but his name was butchered in the document with typo (and mispell?) We brought it closer to its spelling but there are no hits using a "chi" ending. But a big hit using a "shi" emding.


I think the misspelling occured because of sound similarity and from a lack of familiiarity with Japanese culture.


If you do put it in as a re-write, which I think you should, you should just use the author's spelling with (sp?) behind it and put Masayoshi Ito in parentheses afterward.

Anonymous ID: 4cf798 @Watson Sept. 16, 2018, 5:28 a.m. No.3044000   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9300


The mistranslation of the Gardener was due to be addressed - I mean being worried about Gardening in Congo rather than the actual brunt of the drop was due a remark.


Dear Ensin, If that was entirely in response to my last post about you doing some landscaping then please accept my apology for my last attempt at humor about gardener thing.


You see, I am the idiot who thought he was helping a fellow Anon, who was going by @SherlockHolmes to translate a document he looked like he needed help with. But after my gaffe it's going to take awhile for me to live that one down. I was trying to make a joke out my stupid mistake. I have been posting here sometimes as @Watson but sometimes just anonymous.


Let me be real clear here. The joke was and is on me. And as regards any landscaping work you may have done in Scotland, if you may have taken that as an intended slight, let me tell you, I've had a few jobs in my time. I'm no stranger to physical work. Don't know whose words I am stealing here but, "All work is honorable."


I am not a troll. I am not a shill.


I am your friend. @Watson

Anonymous ID: 4cf798 @Watson Sept. 16, 2018, 7:09 a.m. No.3044610   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9300


Got to say something here. You know you folks kinda just plopped down here in QLand thinking we should all know your whole story.


And if you don't know the I-gate story, heres a fuckin link to 3,500 pages of shit


You folks are actually surprised noone knew who you all were!


You came in like rock stars with you I-gate Anons cheer squad.


I knew nothing about you or your cause.


I just popped in to see if I could help a fellow ankn who wasn't doing too well with the French lamguage so I helped.


Mind you I am totally fucking phone faggong the whole 3 Congo documents in French. I don't have a godammed language program on a computer. What do I have? I have a fucking iphone6 with a 1&3/4 by 3 inch screen, writing the shit down on a lined notepad in my own chicken scratch. My sloppy notes and yeah just my knowledge of French and a dictionary while sitting up in bed at fucking 4am.


Elle? Suck my dick!


I interpreted 3 documents from the Congo with just my knowldge of Fresnch for which nobody else was able .


So fuck off cunt!


@mudsucker to cocksucker!


I'll bet you're real fluent in French.

Anonymous ID: 4cf798 @Watson Sept. 16, 2018, 8:48 a.m. No.3045265   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9300


>>Eliahi has been at this for quite some time. It seems he has had some bouts of mental instability but that does not have anything to do do with the actual intel itself.<<


You know you guys did a shit job setting this up? Starting with the preamble to the whole thread- The sentence above only refers to Mr Priest as Eliahi, not as Priest Peter Alexander Richard. So, for someone just junping into the thread, it took a lot of discussion to figure out he's the same person. My next point is WTF, the person who wrote the preamble to the thread is talking mental instability, which after seeing videos of him, I know is false.


So I day this, if I hope it was not you guys who gave Mr Priest that introduction. If it was not one of you that wrote that, then look at it and ask yourself if even the paerson that started this thread knew anything about Mr. Priest.


I know I did not.


Just saying, to use a golfer's terminology, you did a poor job getting this "teed off".


The intro should have had his fullname along with his nick name and a short statement of intent and explanation of the initial docs would have been nice.


If you look at the beginning entries of the thread, it is apparent that more than one anon is not fully grasping the subject yet.


Anons trust noone and question everything. How did you think they would make your acquaintence?

Anonymous ID: 4cf798 @Watson re cosmic energy device channeler Sept. 16, 2018, 3:41 p.m. No.3050089   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


(off topic but E would like this guy)

You weren't specific about energy production or jusst use of cosmic energies, so I am going to take that as an invite to tell you a story about a guy who rigged a device to channel cosmic energy to "heal". Gotta be careful to put that in quotations because he is not a doctor and can't be making such claims legally.


Knew a guy by the name of Justin Ballard. Can prob find on Y-tube and Fbook, Twtr. He was getting people who doctors gave up on, including cancer patiients, approaching him in desperation, and they were getting relief.


Anyway, this guy was trying to heal himself when doctors were out of ideas. Through him talking about his attempts at changing his diet and water pH modification syrstems and resonance, amd just networking, he meets hospital doctor who asks him if he might be interested in a device tjat was sitting in the hospital basement garhering dust. A colleague of his was testing this device that recreated the Earth's resonance.

He gets it, makes repairs and modifications and voila.

The device grounds you electronically by you holding grounds in your hands and, not sure about feet.


He would then wave a long, diode tube over the subjects.


I would kid him and say his diode wand reminded me of Dr. McCoy's gadget that he waived over people in Star Trek.


He is not a doctor, so he must be careful to say he is just using the Earth's resonance on people.


He was saying people who had all these stages of cancer were seeing changes, reversal? I told him, you have the worst test group you can ask for. They are all in terminal phases of their diseases.


I am a skeptic and didn't ever meet any of his "clients". But I cannot stand between a person and life or life's force.


The procedure seems safe enough. I mean his dog would lay in the people's laps during the whole thing. So no electrical currents flying, everything grounded.


His name is Justin Ballard on Y-tub, Fbook, etc