(off topic but E would like this guy)
You weren't specific about energy production or jusst use of cosmic energies, so I am going to take that as an invite to tell you a story about a guy who rigged a device to channel cosmic energy to "heal". Gotta be careful to put that in quotations because he is not a doctor and can't be making such claims legally.
Knew a guy by the name of Justin Ballard. Can prob find on Y-tube and Fbook, Twtr. He was getting people who doctors gave up on, including cancer patiients, approaching him in desperation, and they were getting relief.
Anyway, this guy was trying to heal himself when doctors were out of ideas. Through him talking about his attempts at changing his diet and water pH modification syrstems and resonance, amd just networking, he meets hospital doctor who asks him if he might be interested in a device tjat was sitting in the hospital basement garhering dust. A colleague of his was testing this device that recreated the Earth's resonance.
He gets it, makes repairs and modifications and voila.
The device grounds you electronically by you holding grounds in your hands and, not sure about feet.
He would then wave a long, diode tube over the subjects.
I would kid him and say his diode wand reminded me of Dr. McCoy's gadget that he waived over people in Star Trek.
He is not a doctor, so he must be careful to say he is just using the Earth's resonance on people.
He was saying people who had all these stages of cancer were seeing changes, reversal? I told him, you have the worst test group you can ask for. They are all in terminal phases of their diseases.
I am a skeptic and didn't ever meet any of his "clients". But I cannot stand between a person and life or life's force.
The procedure seems safe enough. I mean his dog would lay in the people's laps during the whole thing. So no electrical currents flying, everything grounded.
His name is Justin Ballard on Y-tub, Fbook, etc