Ensin17 ID: 56aaee For the record Sept. 12, 2018, 6:28 p.m. No.2999087   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9435

Not quite sure who our friend is, it could be any number of people I've called out over the years for being either complete sell outs or partial (turn a blind eye sell outs) to the deep state. I'm not the nicest of guys to people I don't like, and usually it’s because they have weak values that are part of the problem. I also don’t take kindly to smart arses or disrespect and I’m not shy about having a go back, so yes there are a few out there who don’t like me.. Not to mention my real enemies in the CIA who would seek to prevent this drop from getting out of control in the real world.


I don't need to justify myself here, the drop speaks for itself, so I'm not doing that – However, I also appreciate clarity about my character and don’t enjoy assumptions.

I would like to state for the record that I've never had a heroin problem, nor been a junkie. Interesting that our troll alleges heroin in his/her first allegation & then meth in their second allegation. Not very congruent.


I’m not very certain what they mean about "Aliens" – However, I am certain we are not alone, and as a former UK Director of the Institute for Security & Cooperation in Outer Space, this information was passed down to me from Dr Wernher Von Braun himself, and also shared while they were alive by our honorary Chairman, Sir Arthur C Clarke & one of my Co Directors and Former Astronaut Dr Edgar Mitchell. So I am far from alone or "mentally ill" in my beliefs based on the body of evidence that exists both scientifically and from leaked documents and Von Braun’s direct experience in the NASA world.


As far as "Charlie" is concerned from Love Police back in the day - this troll in the thread has his/her Intel all messed up, I have never been friends or hung out with the Charlie.. Please show me a shred of evidence, a video or a photo to prove otherwise - one would think if I was close to enough to do H with the guy there would be somewhere something to prove this friendship.


This Drop is not about me or Aliens, that’s a distraction. I have placed my ID and what credentials I have in folder zero as some of the conversations and documents in the drop involve me, and of course the Prosecution folder is a huge key to the extent of the Cover up in Australia involving Nugan Hand.


My placement in Congo is largely irrelevant aside from the fact Maj Gen Ferrera in the FBI document is implicated in Patrice Lumumba (former DRC independence leaders) assassination and I am seeking justice and further stability for DRC on that front. The documents are also to show that if the DRC takes me seriously enough to entertain a roll for me, perhaps 8Chan will take the evidence I have presented seriously knowing the source it is presented from.


I'm nothing special, I don't pretend to be. I'm not asking for anyone's money, I don't have a personal donate button anywhere on the Internet, nor do I have a Patreon. I don't believe it is right to profit from information that reveals untold genocide and suffering at the hands of a psychopathic few. If people want to support my vision I always ask them to donate directly to the Congo Orphanage I support here: http://hubforkimbondo.it/index.php/it/ - I don’t see any of these funds and it all goes to support the Orphans of Congo.


Now back to InsigniaGate which is why we are all here, please find my most complete explanation and summary here: https://youtu.be/FQZQ7uJ1BxU


I don't pretend to know all the answers & I've never suggested all my information is new. However, despite the fact some of this information has been dropped before, nothing has been done about it, no-one has been held accountable - and this is the crucible of the issue. Back when Congress investigated the Clinton Arkansas connection and back when Australia did a Royal Commission into Nugan Hand, the FBI document was still Top Secret. So this fresh drop the way it is presented is a game changer in my humble opinion.


The rest of the drop goes about verifying and proving that the information is genuine & far from circumstantial. However 8Chan is not the forum for me to decides this, this is up to the ANONS to verify which is why it is here.


I would like to thank the ANONS for refocusing the thread on the drop as opposed to what I have either allegedly done or haven't done previously. I am not asking for your money or running for public office so this is, as has been agreed irrelevant to the investigation.


Moving forward is a process of accountability and taking this process from 8Chan into an official spotlight. Folder Zero A will keep those updates forthcoming.

Thank you all again for your time and attention, it is not my place to always comment here, however I felt it important to make a personal connection and thank you. I wish you well in your digging.


I can be reached relatively easy for questions via my myriad social media presence.

May we all work together for a brighter future.