Insignia Gate Anons ID: 6dbd7f Sept. 11, 2018, 11 p.m. No.2986847   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7108

Proof of Contact with Eliahi Priest AKA Contact Zero and collaboration. Comment retracted was a little divisive. We're not here to cause division.

Redacted dates and Discord name(s) for security.

We will provide proof each new day, that we post, to prevent imposters.


We really didn't want to have to do this (can you hear us Q), but some anons have gotten a little misguided with this drop, a body has dropped, and things aren't picking up as fast as we'd hoped, for certain reasons we can't disclose here.


We are your fellow QAnons. For the past several months going back to June 18-20th, around the time when Eliahi had been forced into a mental ward against his will by ASIO (Australian Security Intelligence Organization), we have had all this information and been sifting through it trying to piece it together and verify it. Some of our members know Eliahi personally and vouched for his character.


We had a close contact within the DoD (Former Marine Corps Intel Analyst) who we sent the government documents (from the dropbox) to for verification. He confirmed them (most importantly FBI Eagle II), but wanted proof that the CIA was currently trafficking drugs and said he'd do a little non classified digging for us. He sent an image of an Associated Press article, provided above, and told us to "think Iran Contra."


For us in our network/team WWG1WGA aren't just words, it's an action.

Bear with us, mistakes have been made along the way, we are still learning.


Insignia Gate Anons ID: 6dbd7f Sept. 11, 2018, 11:55 p.m. No.2987209   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7431


That doesn't sound anything like Eliahi. We've even watched his older videos. You're going to need to provide a lot of proof to back up your wild allegations.

Insignia Gate Anons ID: 6dbd7f Sept. 12, 2018, 12:02 a.m. No.2987258   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7457


yeah, the Jeweller.. here he is with his name on $2 million in one of the most dangerous countries in the World with the Protection of the President.. who are you again?


how about them diamonds eh? and no, Eliahi doesn't need to ask for money lmao

Insignia Gate Anons ID: 6dbd7f Sept. 12, 2018, 12:17 a.m. No.2987374   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7426 >>3567


All good anon, baseless crap attacking the source of the information instead of looking at it is why we're here. Clown Psyops activated to prevent disclosure of CIA drug trafficking being potentially linked to guns and human trafficking. We are sticking with what we can prove and that is the CIA cocaine trafficking in Nicaragua to provide an infinite amount of funds for CIA covert operations without the oversight of Congress, As well as CIA money laundering activities involving the Nugan Hand Bank in Australia. THERE IS NOTHING TO DO WITH ALIENS OR LIZARD PEOPLE IN THIS DROP!

Insignia Gate Anons ID: 6dbd7f Sept. 12, 2018, 7:43 p.m. No.3000420   🗄️.is 🔗kun


sorry anon, I kinda grabbed that out of the megadrop and threw it in here on my way to work this morning, without running it through our translator. I'll avoid doing that kind of laziness in the future. Did Eliahi answer your question about his position? I was mistaken in bluntly stating yes. He needs to push Australia to open up diplomatic relations with DRC. however, Insignia Gate…

Insignia Gate Anons ID: 6dbd7f Sept. 12, 2018, 9:16 p.m. No.3001791   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2482


Great idea anon!


Thanks sherlock. You're comments are very refreshing compared to the normy level intel we've been dealing with. We definitely made the right choice bringing this here. I'd chalk it down to the clowns are pissed we exposed John Ritchie [CIA] and shed the light on his little band of hooligans (kek). That HUMINT shill was psyop targeting those of us helping Eliahi. They were activated the moment we popped in here (nice dossier btw). Also, I'm sure Mi6 didn't like their little door having a light shed on it for the world to see (knock knock, kek). I hope Q isn't against us… we're all pretty big fans of his. If he is… he's really not going to like it when we tie some of this info to his crumbs kek. To be fair, we did try to push a response out of him. He's relatively quick to point out shills… Can't say for certain if he's indirectly sent us a message or not. It's pretty late in the game to put this cat back in the bag. Just in case, our kill switches have kill switches (KEK). Nothing said in this post is anything not already open source stated. We'll take a step back and assess opsec a bit more. Thanks for this.


Insignia Gate Anons ID: 6dbd7f Sept. 13, 2018, 8:10 p.m. No.3016201   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6727 >>1758


Sorry anons for the lack of details in some areas.


As stated on twitter (@Ensin17) this is more than a drop it's a live op. There is a lot going on behind the scenes.


Let me state straight out that we don't have all the answers, but together we will be able to do a lot.


we need to be extremely careful what we say here for opsec reasons.


  1. Eliahi put together the delegation with his own people.


  1. There were no spies.


  1. The connection to Congo is the assassination of Patrice Lumumba as mentioned in the FBI document.


This investigation is about CIA cocaine trafficking, the lack of prosecution and the extent of the cover up. More information will be provided as it is uncovered and cleared for release.


His Congo credentials and World Peace Congress picture were to show he held credibility in the international arena.


If you wish to know more about Eliahi Priest (AKA Contact Zero), you can search his name on google, yahoo, duckduckgo, youtube, facebook, twitter, etc. and find plenty of information and videos going back 8-10 years.


It's not that we don't want anyone looking into his past, no one is stopping you from pressing enter on a search engine, but we would really like to dive into the content of the drop.


There are plenty of videos out there to watch, so if that's something you want to look at, we suggest stocking up on popcorn.


one of the most important videos to watch is his remembrance day speech:


I would embed it but for the life of me I can't get it to work.

Insignia Gate Anons ID: 6dbd7f Sept. 13, 2018, 8:39 p.m. No.3016578   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6762 >>6913


I believe it is "WhiteCat"


Eliahi Believes this to be McCall who's passport is provided in the CIA assets folder.


We don't know for certain who "WhiteCat" is.


see attached for the Insignia Gate index created by Eliahi.


It goes over each folder. This was for the original drop so it is missing the new folder/files that have been added later.


Also, the link in the index doesn't work. We didn't realize Dropbox had a daily limit on shared links.


We had to switch to Mega after the drop when the link stopped working.


We will most likely switch to a different service in the future that is more user friendly.

Insignia Gate Anons ID: 6dbd7f Sept. 14, 2018, 7:32 p.m. No.3028462   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8497 >>5794 >>7546

on to some info.


The FBI Eagle II document is important, but for a better picture of areas the FBI document can be lacking we recommend reading "Crime of the Century"


The DoD 5star document is a letter from Richard Armitage to Ferrera.

Insignia Gate Anons ID: 6dbd7f Sept. 14, 2018, 7:37 p.m. No.3028497   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1626


Here's a type up i did of the DoD 5 star document as it can be a little hard to read.


I wasn't able to figure all of the words out so any improvements would be welcomed.

Insignia Gate Anons ID: 6dbd7f Sept. 15, 2018, 1:02 p.m. No.3035794   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Everything is relevant. To help us, we need to get you all up to speed on this investigation.


First three connected docs were posted here >>3028462


These should help you get a partial idea of the bigger picture, while each document can be cross-examined with the others.


Also see attached doc "Project Hammer"


Hiding trees in a forest.


"Black Gold"


Going forward, beware of Red Herrings. Can be dismantled with logic and common sense.


red her·ring

ˈˌred ˈheriNG/


noun: red herring; plural noun: red herrings


something, especially a clue, that is or is intended to be misleading or distracting.

Insignia Gate Anons ID: 6dbd7f Sept. 15, 2018, 1:36 p.m. No.3036179   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Message left [59:20]


Phone call received [1:26:47]


Lord David James of Blackheath


Re: "High Level Contacts" >>2987108


We know (((they))) know.


Bodybag threat>Contact Zero


>187 "Wilfredo Saurin"


This is not a game.

Insignia Gate Anons ID: 6dbd7f Sept. 16, 2018, 2:25 p.m. No.3049300   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It very well could be, we haven't gotten a whole lot of time to go over every Q drop in regards to this (we'd be very happy to get some help on this), but certain things stick out such as 7/10 plane crashes aren't accidents;


how many of those are involved in drug/gun/human trafficking and crash when they get caught mid flight?


Does the CIA give the smugglers flight paths to get to the US undetected as they did with the cocaine smuggling operation?


Things like that bridge the past to present, showing the same tactics are still used by the agencies to conduct illegal activities.


After all, why change what works?



Spelling errors are plenty in these docs. Thank you for your due diligence!


You'll find in the FBI document that the CIA was paying off politicians in Japan to control the entire government.


It's unlikely any political deaths of Japanese politicians at that time were a coincidence. Plenty of people were getting knocked off surrounding this.





Sorry watson, you're right we should've better explained that Eliahi Priest, Peter Alexander Priest, and Contact Zero are the same person.


We've seen so many videos of him across youtube and facebook we figured anyone looking into him would've been able to make the connection.


We didn't have anything to do with this thread until this post >>2986179


So sorry watson, you are not a mudcrab. We do have someone that speaks fluent french in our group and has been a big help with translations. Again, sorry for not throwing the translation out there with the Congo document.


Eliahi (Peter) can be a bit testy. He's been working on this information for 8-9 years alongside Lord David James of Blackheath.


We've been a little on edge recently, as stated before, a body has been dropped and we don't know who will be next.


The disappearance of Bill Smith has been very concerning to us anons in the recent months, as should the disappearance of any Qresearcher, and people have been knocked off for far less than what we are doing here.


We can see past the shills in a heart beat. We know whats going on behind the scenes. El has been very transparent with those of us putting the work in.


Us I-Gate anons have had this information for a few months and not every day of that was spent going over the information.


We're just normal citizens of our respective countries with full time jobs and some of us have families to look after.


Qposts have always come first for us and some people in our group just can't keep up with Q and insignia gate at the same time.


For the few of us that have been able to, it hasn't been easy.