Anonymous ID: 700ce9 Sept. 11, 2018, 11:24 p.m. No.2987015   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7242


Holy shit! I wondered where and when Eliahi would pop up again. I know him. He sincerely believes he (and his girlfriend at the >>2933128

time they could still be together long black hair and he used to have a beard) have been charged by aliens to save the world. Back when I knew him he was all about zero point energy and he got hooked up with Charley. (Can't remember his last name) but he was the brit who made all those insane love videos then flipped. They filmed themselves doing an ayahuasca ceremony and both of them ended up on heroin after that. He was a good looking man and his girl was a looker too but he was clearly unhinged. I haven't looked at everything here yet I'm phonefagging but will look tomorrow. He's all up in that dragon family stuff and one woman I recall being involved had four kids on the dole and was constantly scamming. If Eli has any money now that would be odd because they were basically homeless last time I heard from him.


Sorry guys but I seriously doubt Eli is much changed. He used to write up all kinds of

Official looking documents and talk about all his high level meetings and he wasn't evil but ah… he also wasn't plugged into the right socket. He was always talking about being contacted by dragon people and in danger because of what he knew.

Anonymous ID: 700ce9 Sept. 11, 2018, 11:28 p.m. No.2987045   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I messed up my post (phonefagging) again I know Eli..he was in the process of creating and issuing "space passports" for lack of a better word… universe passports. I'm uncertain how he's managed to avoid getting sectioned. I think he's basically harmless which is the likeliest reason and I seriously doubt he's got any money. He was trying to get custody or enough money to go to OZ to see or get his kids. He was fixated on it.

Anonymous ID: 700ce9 Sept. 11, 2018, 11:38 p.m. No.2987108   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7209 >>3567 >>6179


Forced into a mental ward. Well there it is. Eli is not a danger to himself or others not really but sadly Eli is a very believable nutter. Good grief who knew he'd get this far? He's just a gentle nutter. Believers will flame me and if I cared enough I could prove it.. but people gonna believe what they're gonna believe. He gathered quite a following among the "alien free energy save the world if you'd only just listen to me" crowd. Lol i didn't see your post until after I wrote my "I can't believe he hasn't been sectioned" post.. I see he has been.


The loss of his kids really fucked him up and he was obsessed with getting them back and back to them.


Again, believe what you will but.. I know him. Or rather knew him. He's got a way of sincerity that you just know it's real.. he firmly believes it himself and I guess that makes it easy to convince others. Holy shit this is bringing back the memories… all his letters and official looking paper and his stories about high level contacts.. he was basically homeless and I never knew him to work. But he's kinda got this Jesus air about him and he had lots if people willing to help him… as I see here.


Carry on.

Anonymous ID: 700ce9 Sept. 11, 2018, 11:42 p.m. No.2987133   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7258



OMG sorry lol diamonds? Perhaps my Eli has evolved into a greater confidence man that before. How does a homeless alien Jesus find money for that? One gig was the zero point energy and I see he's still got the zero… only now it's contact zero? Oh lawd Eli.

Anonymous ID: 700ce9 Sept. 11, 2018, 11:49 p.m. No.2987169   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You probably need to read my other posts. Eli has always talked about being and ambassador but before it was a space ambassador (see my other posts about his space passport scheme). What he wanted most was to get back to OZ to see/get his kid. I recall photos of kids (not with him in pics) and honestly I have no idea if he really has kids or what the "reality" of that was. It just used to be his passion… get back to OZ for his kids.


I hope LARPers aren't using him to fuck this Q thing or divert it.. although with his sense of justice Q would probably be right up his alley… but if you think Eli is actually going to lead you anywhere… but the lad never had any problems getting followers.. he just couldn't ever quite get back to OZ.

Anonymous ID: 700ce9 Sept. 11, 2018, 11:53 p.m. No.2987200   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Wait what? He's a jeweler now?? Oh KEK. Although I'm sure he'd be passionate about reforming the blood diamond thing.. Eli us not a jeweler or if he ever was no one knew about it back in the day.. and he most certainly never worked.


I hope people aren't giving him money… but then again I suppose if he's found a way to actually get money from fools then more power to him.

Anonymous ID: 700ce9 Sept. 12, 2018, 12:28 a.m. No.2987431   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7478


Oh Eli… the endless videos of he and that long dark haired woman together professing their endless love for each other. I honestly forget her name .. once I saw the descent into further madness post ayahuasca ceremony (like Ick who went to drink in Peru and came back believing his visions were literal). Eli and Charley both got into heroin and my patience with the gentle Jesus character came to an end. Whatever he says… he can say. If I sent him a photo he'd recognize me instantly.. and given his apparent state of mind now… that's not going to happen… suffice it to say I've given enough specific details of my intimate knowledge of what he was up to all those years ago.. that he's got to be pissing his pants… but he's good, he's ALWAYS been good. And unless he turns to violence I've ZERO doubt he'll come out on top and perhaps with some actual money this time.

Anonymous ID: 700ce9 Sept. 12, 2018, 12:35 a.m. No.2987457   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Holy fucking shit! While the beard and hair and eye color are the same that is NOT Eliahi Priest… drugs man… seriously drugs. Eliahi used to be a good looking thin man the man in that photo is a shadow of his former self (if that is him). That is honestly a shock.


Ask him to show you the post ceremony aya video.


Whatever he's got you all convinced of… believe what you want.


CIA DRUG running is not now nor has it ever been a secret… the information about this is endless. Seriously why are you all acting like it's new?


How do you know those are diamonds?


Again holy shit Eliahi.. put down the needle. You've completely trashed yourself and I'm more than disappointed and know many who would be disgusted that the gentle space zero point energy Jesus now looks and acts like a confidence man.

Anonymous ID: 700ce9 Sept. 12, 2018, 12:43 a.m. No.2987504   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7553


Of course he believes what he says.


How do you know a researcher us dead? Or even missing? Do you KNOW that or are you kicking up some drama? They've way more reason to take me out and yet here I am. The only way I'd ever worry is if they were able to take Trump out and that's not going to happen… there hasn't been any "danger signals" since U.K. (At least not any that his team didn't sort before it got out of hand.)

Don't believe me? Watch what eventually happens to Roger Stone. Oh hey Q.. just phonefagging tonight..


Ask Eliahi what happened yo Charley when he went to see "proof"… he'll know what I mean… wonder if the same thing happened to Eliahi? Cause whatever happened to him holy fuck it doesn't look good on him. Sort of like Charley.


Odd that.

Anonymous ID: 700ce9 Sept. 12, 2018, 12:44 a.m. No.2987515   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7540


LOL character assassination? That's what we're calling the truth now? How come you don't know ANY of this stuff about Eliahi?


Use your damn head and "watch who you follow".

Anonymous ID: 700ce9 Sept. 12, 2018, 12:52 a.m. No.2987552   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"Had in the past"?


Clearly you have ZERO idea of what Eliahi used to look like. In my experience this level of degeneration means it's not in the past. He's like a poster boy for before and after meth. (Although he didn't use meth when I knew him.)


You're choosing to believe every word out if his mouth because you want it need to and he's always had a gift for collecting believers. Always. Where is he getting his money now? How does one go from being a basically homeless Jesus to amassing "diamonds?" How does he go from ZERO POINT ENERGY (remember Eliahi?? Remember all the secret "contact" and … dragons and space passports? And ambassadorships??? I do.


What happened to Charley?

Anonymous ID: 700ce9 Sept. 12, 2018, 12:58 a.m. No.2987592   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7620 >>7622



I'm not assassinating his character I'm telling the truth. Ask him. If he's not a con man now he'll tell you. If he lies and denies well then… and based on that ZEROCONTACT post lol he's gonna deny it to the bitter end and attack me sideways when he's actually shitting his pants trying to figure out who I am and if he figured that out he'd really shit his pants. Chances are tho… unless he saw a photo he'll never be able to figure it out… back in the day he had quite a collection… I wasn't one of them. Yo Eliahi i still look like me… sadly you don't even resemble a shadow of your former self.


If I'm ruining any government aka Q ops by outing a confidence man I fully expect to hear from the boss.


I won't.