Anonymous ID: 785139 Priest given auth. to contact investors Sept. 12, 2018, 5:42 a.m. No.2988715   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8933


No I was referring to an honorary consulsip from the Chief of State of Congo between the Dem. Rep. of Congo and Queensland.


The document you provided is an:


" Attestation of Representation

No. 001/ Kava Trading/ 2018"


(it says) " I the undersigned, Kavaboko Lokele Zombi

Fabrice, Director General of the Kavu Trading SARL

Society in the Democratic Republic of Congo, attest

for the time being, that M. Priest Peter Alexander Richard, P.O. Box 513

Noosaville, LPO, QLD Australia 4566 represents our

Society in Australia.


In such title, he is entitled to make contact with investors in the Mining sector, namely, purchasers of diamonds and of gold.


At such time this document is presented for service, it shall attest to that right.


Done at Kinshasa the 20th of June, 2018

(signed) Kavaboku Lokele Zombi

The Director General of Kavu Trading"


(this is only that he represents the diamond and gold trading company called Kavu Trading)


p.s. it is my best translation, no gardeners were found in the document

Anonymous ID: 785139 Sept. 12, 2018, 5:49 a.m. No.2988758   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Let me apologize personally, in an attempt to interpret a document from the Congo Chief of State about Mr. Priest's travel visa, I incorrectly said they referred to him as their "gardener". That was wrong. They referre to him as a "partenaire" which means "partner". I apologize for waisting your and anyone's time who then gave thought to the gardener theory. Godspeed Anon.

Anonymous ID: 785139 Sept. 12, 2018, 6:55 a.m. No.2989197   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9260 >>9298


I lean your way. As of Jume this year! Okay, for the sake of argument, we miust agree M. Priest is or has been in some deep dealings. No judgement. Let's say this guy has a few loose screws, those are the guys those that play games want. Easy to disavow easy to say he probably fell off a cliff or a boat.


Why would old "friends" follow the mention of his name across time and the chans all the way to here, to talk crap? To protect me from his scamming? I don't see Mr Priest trying to strike any scam deals here.


What I do know is that if I knew him when we were young and he somehow scammed me, I would have moved on.


These people profess to have some disdain fior endless videos the behavior in which they evidently can't stand to see him and some woman in. But it looks like they spend a lot of time watching videos of this guy.


One endless video I hate and it's the last. But these guys are like minders whose job it is to make sure this Tailor of Panama doesn't accidentally expose THEM.

Maybe this Priest is some

Anonymous ID: 785139 Sept. 12, 2018, 7:18 a.m. No.2989398   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0420


This is from their ministry of foreign affairs re saying they received "an amplification if his dossier" which adds a nomination for honorary consul between Congo and Queensland. Not 100% sure but they seem to say they have accepted it even though he lacks some 3 documents: letter of good moral character (background check), a letter stating where he resides(proof if residence)and a letter from his main bank(kind of proof of good credit). I was asking if he had ever received the honorary consulship. Noone has confirmed it yet.