Anonymous ID: 7b1ceb Sept. 13, 2018, 2:10 a.m. No.3003966   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4763


Re the above link: Could not find the article. If someone has a copy, could you please post it?


Don't intend to be rude by asking these questions that may be old stuff to I-Gaters, but it is all new here. Having said that, may we ask questions of Eliahi about this trip?


I think in a video interview before the Heart of Africa trip, E mentioned the he had been building on the relationship with Congo for some (9 or so?) years.


Was E responsible for the planning of the Heart of Africa trade delegation, or was it something that was occuring and E was encouraged by his friend to join and be a part of?


Not suspicious of E. Just wondering why some don't want details of his life being spooken of.


The friend of E who had his briefcase and passport stolen in (forgot the city) prior to the Peace conference. Did that arouse any suspicions that there might be intel involved at an early date?



If the theft of the gentleman's briefcase and passport was done by intel while the peace delgate was en route, it implies he was targeted well before.

Anonymous ID: 7b1ceb Sept. 13, 2018, 4:53 a.m. No.3004738   🗄️.is 🔗kun

> encouraged by his friend to join and be a part of? <


Oh, sorry I believe E stated he met the Congo peace delegate at the convention/ at the hotel after his briefcase was stolen with his passport.

Anonymous ID: 7b1ceb Sept. 13, 2018, 5:29 a.m. No.3004932   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6201

Just asking these questions to try to understand how E became aware of the info he has layed out in the drop.


You have dropped many docs about his travel to the Congo.


Is the story of his developing affiliation with the Congo government and trade companies related to his accumulation of knowledge re wire-transfers, wrongdoing, etc?


Wasn't sure why he dropped all the peace conference, trade mission, attestations of his dealings with the government and business of the Congo if not to establish that his going there was for legitimate reasons. As opposed to (those other people)? Or what he observed while there?

If it isn't that, then I don't see why he would need to include all that documentation of his relations with Congo.


Need more data.


Basically it's this: If I observed a crime or criminal activity in New York and I wanted to report it, then I wouldn't need to include pictures, travel plans, plane tickets dinner receipts from the family vacation to the Grand Canyon, right?


Can someone help this anon draw a faint line, if only in pencil for now, from the Congoto Five Star Investments, or to Anthony Hamod?

Anonymous ID: 7b1ceb Sept. 13, 2018, 5:08 p.m. No.3013489   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4073 >>6578


>I double-checked, but it's not a typo. The codename for the agent they ordered a hit on is "Whitecat" and not 'whitehat'.<


Not sure what timeframe is for the hit you refer to, but have been doing some reading(barely scratched the surface. So many pages) of the FBI memo/report to Sen.Ted Kennedy- wriiten in 1989).


They state that Casey? ordered a hit, around the time of Contra optations, of one Adler Berriman Seal(aka Barry Seal). The hit was done in Florida.


Again, don't know much but maybe with more digging…or someone just tell me I'm wrong.


Could this be the hit that was ordered on Whitecat?


Think the report stated they had recordings? The recording?


Also, get this, Adler Berriman Seal was known for driving around ina White Cadillac. The nickname in the US for Cadillacs is "Cad".


From that we can get that Mr. Seal drove around in a "WHITE CAD".


He was killed in said White Cad.


Did someone transcribing the recording of the hit order possibly hear "WHITECAD"?


Unless the source of the agent name was written. Then I am off base. Just an idea.

Anonymous ID: 7b1ceb Sept. 13, 2018, 5:54 p.m. No.3014233   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Any anons just stopping by should really take an interest i this dig.


I have only just made a slight read of the FBI memo to Sen. T. Kennedy and have already seen reference GODFATHER and EAGLE II.


Beginning to see what I-Gate Anons meant when they say this might relate t Q crumbs.