J.TrIDr3ESpPJEs ID: 7d8811 Sept. 3, 2018, 1:49 p.m. No.2861945   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3128 >>3303 >>0328


Zero mastery of French, but using cross-translation via Latin on the third image, roughly reads:


Subject: Invitation to (effective?) one visit to travel the congo


(Your) Excellency Mister Ambassador


discussion of opportunities of (the) affairs of the authorities (of the) Congo, the Society Australia "Heart of Africa Trade Delegation" will interview the diversity of sectors of activities, effectively one visit (to) travel the Republic of Congo from 30 March to 5th April 2017.


The responsibilities of the delegation are/is/include:

Mister Priet Peter Alexander Richard: Passport number PA2893397


Ainsi, the represenation (of) diplomat of note pays(attends?) to the Democratic Republic of Congo (RDC: Republic Democratic of Congo [French Grammar is weird]), is part(?) of (the) facility of note partains to obtaining (a) visa for the journey to travel to Brazzaville (Brazil?)



Apologies for my terrible translation. A native French speaker will likely do far better.


Essentially what the letter appears to read is they've granted someone (the Ambassador?) a visa to go visit some part of the Republic of Congo, specifying how long they have leave to remain in that country for.

J.TrIDr3ESpPJEs ID: 7d8811 Sept. 3, 2018, 3:23 p.m. No.2862999   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6144 >>7851


I transcribed the fourth image as follows (looks like trying to collude over witness statements involving Obama, also. 15 TRILLION DOLLARS):



Dear Mr Berman




As President of the United States Barack Obama's Layer, I write to inform you of major chatter within the global intelligence network. This chatter and subsequent investigation is of grave consequence to the current and incumbent President, notwithstanding the outcome.


I have taken the liberty to attach a recording left on a CIA encrypted COMS channel, of a DCI ordered hit on "Whitecat" over this intel, just to paint a vivid picture of the gravity and import of this email to you Sir.


The FBI investigation for Senator Edward Kennedy of July 7th 1989 [1999?] that I have personally verified through my Pentagon contacts directly with the FBI can be found on the link below.




If you require PDF documents of the above FBI transcript, please request them as they are just shortof 20mb and your server may reject them via email - I can send them to you via dropbox.


The CIA informed me of President Obama's visist to the UK Prime Minister David Cameron in 2011 in regards to this incident, and the 15Trillion USD SWIFT's, see attached. Lord Stratclyde who was at the time the boss of the House of Lords under Cameron called my agent, Lord David James into an urgent meeting the day after the two power brokers met:


Lord James was told in regards to the content of this email, "You are now interfering with the highest level of British Security Since WW2".


See the named:

George Bush, Sr. Major General Edward Lansdale, William Colby, Roberto Ferrera (LWR Rosier) & Richard Armitage


I would advise that younotify the President immediately as this information is being de-compartmentalized for the press, United Nations & Interpol, and is currently being put forward to other major Governments for transparency and the return of the Rule of Law.


I would hate to think that the Presidents[sic] involvement would become a blight on his good term.


Please respond soonest, as I am supplying names to this investigation and require confirmation from the President and his office of the facts surrounding his involvement for the record.


Please note, the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security in Australia has been cc'd for good house-keeping, national courtesy and domestic security. https://www.igis.gov.au



J.TrIDr3ESpPJEs ID: 7d8811 Sept. 3, 2018, 3:29 p.m. No.2863069   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9986

Berman = Jeffrey Berman?


"The bearded, no-profile 50-year-old lawyer’s central role in Obama’s likely nomination is emblematic of the depth of Obama’s preparation for the 2008 campaign. "




Are we looking at a massive attempt to steal 15 trillion from the US by the likes of Obama & Co?


Let me guess… flown all the way to Iran?