Anonymous ID: a04b43 @Watson re exhibit envelope Sept. 9, 2018, 4:55 p.m. No.2951714   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3344


The envelope with contents exposed appears to be either an exhibit envelope with the Downing Centre Local Court(address)


It has a case #20016691196.


DDP v A. Hamod (filed?) 12/3/97 which is March 12, 1997.


DPP =Director of Public Prosecutions


It is a criminal case but he was not convicted. The (judge)signs a notstion at the bottom and gives his title as LCMa.

I think this means Lower Court Magistrate (acting).


His note indicates he is returning the certificates enclosed to the defendant, Anthony Hamod.


Interesting thing about the certificates is rhat Mr. H was not arrested for anything wrong except the investigators of a related investigation arrested him because "they thought" he possessed a forgery.


In a later case. the Swiss bank denies the certificate is real.


One set of persons who had possession of the certificate, (ie could have duplicated it while in their possession) is now the police, and the list is very short.


The (judge) in the later civil case, which was dismissed by the court, goes into detail about whi had ut and when.


That case was some years later.


But basically noone will honor his certificate now. It is deemed fake.