J.TrIDr3ESpPJEs ID: beaa62 Sept. 9, 2018, 6:56 a.m. No.2945120   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5724



I'll reply to your comments in turn, but your remark about gardener you might find as cover work. Feel free to get spooked at this stage - Garak, from Deep Space 9 (often subject to intrigue plots involving intelligence), remarked that 'being a gardener was one of the few times that the cover was more interesting than the assignment'.


Garak is part of the Obsidian Order.


Whilst ficitious, I'm sure it pushes us an interesting direction to explore. I do not think someone would travel so far merely for gardening. Planting - framing. Removing the weeds - taking out targets. Cultivation - double meaning, either cultivation of drugs or cultivation of particular groups or activities.


I'll need to come back to this point later. I'm also planning to do the therapist research but I'm swamped and I'm starting to suspect my day job is purely to stop me from conducting research.


Eyeballing the datasets on Mega, there's references to Nugan Hand bank, which I know for a fact is a CIA money laundering outlet based in Australia.


They have dedicated casinos of which they do the money laundering in. They also have a number of aircraft related to those casinos, specifically for ferrying money around. Unfortunately I do not have the other researcher's handiwork to hand.


If they're involved, it's all but guaranteed to involve stolen money.



>White Dragon Society


They're not a myth, but information on them is sparse. One could be forgiven if they thought it was a white supremacist movement based on the name, but from what little I know about them, they're actually an offshoot of the Chinese Triads.


China having major influence in Australia would not be surprising. In-fact, they're the main financiers of mining operations in Australia, so they would know a thing or to about mining in general.

@SherlockHolmes ID: beaa62 Sept. 9, 2018, 7:07 a.m. No.2945218   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Democratic Republic of Congo is a CIA hotspot:


"The CIA was also a vital part of the United States' efforts to aid Joseph Mobutu, who took control of the Congo in 1965 and renamed the country Zaire and his name Mobutu Sese Seko.[4] The CIA would work heavily with Mobutu, particularly in relation to American support for the National Liberation Front of Angola and Jonas Savimbi's National Union for the Total Independence of Angola. "


"The Democratic Republic of the Congo is the second largest country by area on the African continent, and is one of the most mineral rich countries in the world. It produces many of the free world's minerals, such as 75% of the free world's cobalt and 70% of the diamonds.[5] It also produces valuable agriculture, such as coffee, palm oil, and cotton. The Congo—formerly a Belgian colony—is only one-quarter the size of the United States."




So, we can at least infer which agency is most likely responsible (besides the FedRes) for the $15 trillion dollar transfer - the CIA.


And Watson, look what it says:


"During the following decades, the CIA continued to keep an eye on the Congo. By 1969, the CIA's interest in communist threats in the Congo had solidified, despite their trust in its president. A report on Soviet Policy from February of that year reflects the concerns of the CIA of Soviet interests in both Congos, Kinshasa and Brazzaville."


Soviet interests in Kinshasa and Brazzaville?




Whoever is trying to claim the documents are bunk are obviously attempting to discredit it.


Better send them back to the circus, because we don't need clowns in America (or anywhere else, for that matter).