Anonymous ID: cac4f0 Insignia Project - Massive Intel Drop Sept. 3, 2018, 12:33 p.m. No.2861109   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3058

Hello anons,


Within the last 48-72hrs a massive 11GB archive has been released and is dubbed "Insignia Project"/"InsigniaGate" by it's leaker. I've been sifting through the files. It seems quite interesting an the leaker Eliahi has been at this for quite some time. It seems he has had some bouts of mental instability but that does not have anything to do do with the actual intel itself.


I'd appreciate if anyone would like to help dig on these files and let us all know what you find!


Here's the intel drop/archive:!CihTnDxb!laSTkj6uGTskWJvCwuZDlA


Here's the 4chan thread:

Anonymous ID: cac4f0 Sept. 4, 2018, 12:06 a.m. No.2870002   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7605 >>7015


It looks like most of the knowledge has already been public.


I think that Mr. Eliahi needs to point out what the major connections are for everyone. If the CIA kill order on <WHITEHATis legit - that could be a major smoking gun. So far what I see is a man that is pissed off about everything and wants stuff to get done about it and has compiled everything he possibly can which proves these people are up to no good - which these documents(FOIA) certainly do prove they are up to no good.


So here we are, running around in circles, waiting for the justice to be brought to the perpetrators while we follow Q crumbs every day. As far as I can tell we're not much better off than when we started off.


If any insiders with non-public intel that will bring down the corruption scheme see this - just get it done with already for the sake of humanity already. Growing pains are never easy. There is no way any one is going to mitigate the obvious public backlash that will happen when these corrupt politicians(etc) are jailed because they are brain washed.


Do it Q.

Do it.


And for any insiders out thereโ€ฆ just drop the info already. If you've got dirt that will burn it all to the ground - Do it already!!! We're all tired of waiting. There is absolutely no way that we're going to make it through this without major backlash. Just get it done alreadyโ€ฆ this evil has perpetuated for 1000s of years. End them already. Insiders, drop all the intel you can.

Anonymous ID: cac4f0 Sept. 11, 2018, 11:59 p.m. No.2987242   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7282 >>7504


>in danger because of what he knew.

We have all put ourselves in danger knowing what we know here in qresearch - especially those of us who haven't went the extra mile to reach wide and far with our information.


A Q Researcher is literally missing right now when he specifically said he wasn't going anywhere the day before he went missingโ€ฆ


I have no doubts Mr. Priest has had bouts of instability but I do believe he believes what he says. That'd be a shame if he made up the documents. I find it interesting that on his twitter he posted about a relatively well known IC-type guy ended up dead after he posted what he posted as well.


Keep up the good work. People have made some interesting connections here. I wouldn't throw this under the bus yet.

Anonymous ID: cac4f0 Sept. 12, 2018, 12:39 a.m. No.2987478   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7515 >>7552


Character assassination does not address the information posted here. It seems that the majority of (((shills))) immediately resort to character assassination any time someone stands up and says something about the shit the that is going on in the world.


For me - you attacking Eliahi based on previous troubles, especially mentioning any drug problems he may of or may not have had in the past just further credits him.


Guess what. Many of us on qresearch have had troubled lives, drug addictions, alcoholism, depression, mania - it's called life. People grow and change. People move on. People better themselves.


Attacking someones character in attempt to discredit the information they present is one of the most pathetic things any human can do when the issue at hand is the GLOBAL ELITE DRUG TRAFFICKING.


This thread is NOT about Eliahi's personal background. It is about the information presented. All of the shills that go on rampages attacking other's credibility is INANE, IMMATURE and DOWN RIGHT EVIL. Some of the best people in this world have had some of the most troubled lives.


You should reconsider your actions and how you proceed with your rhetoric - qresearch is a band of misfits who know there's something significantly wrong with the world not a board of people who attack one another based on their personal histories.


And I will REITERATE. MANY of us here have had troubled lives - and we have the industrial complexs and the people ACTUALLY TRAFFICKING the drugs into the country to blame for it. The CIA trafficks fucking drugs into this country that much is well known - and yet our tax dollars don't go to HELPING the drug addicts? Where's the common sense in that?


Get back on track and stop the character assassination or get the fuck out

Anonymous ID: cac4f0 Sept. 12, 2018, 1:04 a.m. No.2987620   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


I don't doubt that the man has had a troubled past.


Let me make this very, very fucking clear to you. This is an information war. The information Eliahi has presented is damaging the reputation of the CIA. The CIA is humanity's enemy. They are MY fucking enemy and whatever DAMAGES THEM is GOOD FOR US


This is an information war. I hope the entire global conscious is FILLED with MORE and MORE and MORE disillusionment in the (((global elite))) until the whole god damn house of cards falls down on its self.


I will reiterate - this is an information war and I will do anything in my power to ensure more, and more, and MORE damage is brought against (((them)))


That includes making people aware to the fact that just because someone has a screwed up past it doesn't mean they're wrong - and all you've done in this thread is the VERY epitome of character assassination don't pussy foot around and act like it isn't. I've studied vast amounts of psychology, sociology and social engineering and I will not allow this thread or the contents of what this man has presented to be side tracked by some irrelevant claims.


If I did every drug under the sun and thought I was Jesus for a year and during that time I solved the world's food shortage would I people care I was crazy for awhile?


No, they would not.

Anonymous ID: cac4f0 Sept. 12, 2018, 1:08 a.m. No.2987635   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>I read that drama the other day.

It much is drama and you downplaying it shows that you don't belong on our board. There is someone who was DEDICATED to this cause and researching the ailments of our earth and you are DOWNPLAYING the fact that he is currently missing.


>I've yet to see PROOF AKA POLICE REPORTS news reports of missing man that a man is missing.

And have you done anything to help the investigation? I have. I've spread the fact he is missing far and wide. You have done nothing but down play the fact that ONE OF OUR VERY OWN IS MISSING


>Kek you guys are too much.

And you, my enemy - have lost all credibility just now by downplaying the fact that one of our own researchers is missing.


That's no laughing matter you vile piece of shit

Anonymous ID: cac4f0 Sept. 12, 2018, 7:05 a.m. No.2989298   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


It's is simple as this: when you're over the/a target then comes the flak.


Nevermind if Eliahi had some rough times.


Is he the one trafficking cocaine for the CIA?


No. No he is not. Why should we care what personal difficulties hes had that have zero relevance to the topic at hand. He's clearly well connected.


As it stands there is no reason not to listen to what the guy has to say - especially if there's more info to come in which case I'd say drop the bombs my friend. I'm ready to watch the fucking house of cards fall already. The time for waiting is over. There is absolutely NO way to perfectly execute "the plan" it doesn't exist. Period. Not unless they are literally time travelers.


There is INEVITABLY going to be public backlash when the truth comes out that worlds governments aren't corrupt - they are down right fucking evil, at least most of them have been for quite some time.


Let god sort them out.


I personally thank Eliahi for his sacrifices it takes a level of bravery to come forward like he did.

Anonymous ID: cac4f0 Sept. 12, 2018, 6:52 p.m. No.2999435   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Thanks for your clarifications Eliahi.


Character assassination is (((their))) immediate go-to and any qresearcher with half a brain knows it.


We appreciate you clarification and we will continue to draw as many connections as we can and spread as much possible truth as we can on this matter. Once again - thank you for everything Mr. Priest



Anonymous ID: cac4f0 Sept. 24, 2018, 2:46 a.m. No.3162926   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2028

HAHAHAHAHAHA oh fuckin wow.


Look at this dumbfuck Mehal Rockefeller


>Mehal Rockefeller, 35, entered St. Charles Borromeo Church on May 14 and placed a check in the amount of $666,000 in the offertory, according to his criminal complaint.


>Parishioners told police they then heard Rockefeller on the phone telling someone, "I'm going to do something tonight or in the near future to this church."


>The next day, he left a message on the church's voicemail demanding an apology. In part, he allegedly said, "We can make this into a big problem and the heaters are going to go on and everyone will burn or I can get an apology."


Unfucking believable and this idiot faggot is literally connected to the real Rockefellers. It'd be wise for them to knock him off right about now considering he's a major fucking loose end. Don't be surprised if Mehal has an accident and slips next to his door handle to find his neck around a red scarf as he free dives down a trash chute and magically teleports to Abedin & Weiner's garbage bin


bahahahahahahahahahaha comedic fucking gold here