Anonymous ID: f890fc @Watson "Being There" Sept. 11, 2018, 8:19 a.m. No.2975150   🗄️.is 🔗kun


For a person who never had a twitter acct, can you or someone in the thread tell me if the person in the blue dialogue fields or the white dialogue fields in the exchange is supposed to be the same as the person who sent the email to Mr. Berman?


I can definitely say it is not one of them and possibly neither.


So Eliahi(the gardener's son)is a trustee of the Five Star Trust?


Did his sire make a fortune and this "Chance the Gardener" is some bastard(I am not completely serious her- but having fun with the cinematic allusion) who was made a trustee to some vast fortune?


Going back to check date of the Partenaire's birthdate on his passport.