Ensin17 ID: fe5e6d 8Chan thread diverged into a shitfight Sept. 16, 2018, 4:04 p.m. No.3050321   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0316

Well done Anons, take the Shills bate and continue down the Ad-homien path.


This entire thread and you haven't even managed to address a thing connected with cocaine trafficking or the CIA.


Incredible you found an old Wiki-User page written by an old hippie friend.. and a bunch of other non-referenced unprovable character assassinations by others I've pissed off for not taking their bullshit.


We don't need to apologise InsigniaGate Anon - apparently some of these guys are researchers and have never even heard of Google Translate (30 Second process even or "phonefags").


You people are not researchers, so far the full extent of your research has been typing "Eliahi Priest" into Google and only including the things that other internet nutters have written about me.


Oh that's right, "you read it on the internet" - so it must be true..


Apart from Lazarus, the rest of you have been rather disappointing.. hate character assassinate and piss your pants all you like, the fact remains you haven't been able to even rouse yourselves to debate or debunk the drop..


Gary Webb was right, it's all about "Shoot the Messenger"..


Well done 8Chan, the CIA has you right where they want you..


Hey Watson, anonymous and talking like that to a Lady, well done.. you're a tough guy.


Anyone with the stomach to do some actual research around here ? Or because I made it so easy for you you'd rather have dick measuring contests of zero consequence.


It's not a good ad for 8Chan.