Anonymous ID: ee6593 Sept. 3, 2018, 2:33 p.m. No.2862464   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Argentina's Currency Collapse - Hype Hits Reality


Last Wednesday (29th August) the Argentine peso lost over 7% against the US dollar. Thursday it lost another 12.5%. It’s been cut in half over the past year. In dollar terms, the MSCI Argentina index is down 57% since it’s January top. But it’s still not a bargain, given the high inflation rate and political uncertainties.

Anonymous ID: ee6593 Sept. 3, 2018, 2:39 p.m. No.2862524   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2546

LeBron James Visits with Controversial ‘Intersex’ Sprinter Caster Semenya


NBA star LeBron James was track-side in Berlin to visit controversial South African runner Caster Semenya, as she set yet another track record at the IAAF World Challenge.


On Sunday, Semenya set a new record run time of 2:30.70, and as she stepped off the track, L.A. Laker LeBron James was there for a “thumbs up” photo op, according to IOLNews:

Anonymous ID: ee6593 Sept. 3, 2018, 2:44 p.m. No.2862586   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Is UK Labour now Zionist-occupied territory?


The National Executive Committee of the Labour Party will vote on Tuesday 4 September on whether to bow to the bullies and adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) definition of anti-Semitism even though it has been roundly criticised by legal experts as unworkable. If they do, it will be hailed as a mighty victory for the dark forces behind the pro-Israel lobby in their bid to shut down criticisim of that racist state.


More than two years ago Gilad Atzmon was viewing the Labour Party’s crazed witch hunt for “anti-Semites” with misgiving. He declared, in his usual robust way, that Labour under Jeremy Corbyn was not so much a party as a piece of Zionist-occupied territory.


Writing in his blog about Corbyn and [Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer] John McDonnell’s servile commitment to expel anyone whose remarks might be interpreted by the Zionist tendency as hateful or simply upsetting to Jews, he concluded:


Corbyn’s Labour is now unequivocally a spineless club of Sabbos Goyim [which I take to mean non-Jewish dogsbodies]. The Labour Party’s policies are now compatible with Jewish culture: intolerant to the core and concerned primarily with the imaginary suffering of one people only. These people are not the working class, they are probably the most privileged ethnic group in Britain…. I did not anticipate that Corbyn would become a Zionist lapdog. Corbyn was a great hope to many of us. I guess that the time has come to accept that The left is a dead concept; it has nothing to offer.


Amen to that last bit.

Anonymous ID: ee6593 Sept. 3, 2018, 2:48 p.m. No.2862628   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Kerry Accuses Trump of Trying to 'Make Things Up' on Iran


Earlier, the former US Secretary of State said that President Trump's decision in May to leave the 2015 Iran nuclear deal "weakens our security, breaks America's word [and] isolates us from our European allies."


In an interview with CBS' "Face the Nation", former US Secretary of State John Kerry berated President Donald Trump for having described the Iran nuclear accord, or the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) as the "worst deal ever."


"Unfortunately — and I say this sadly — more often than not, he really just doesn't know what he's talking about. He makes things up. And he's making that up, as he has other things," Kerry, who led the US team in nuclear negotiations with Iran, pointed out.


He rejected Trump's allegations that the JCPOA was ostensibly weak and harmful to the US as false, adding that they could disrupt "the possibilities of international nuclear policy."


"Just saying that doesn't make it that. This is the toughest agreement in terms of inspection, accountability — no country has had to do what Iran did in order to live up to this. But to just walk away?" Kerry underscored.


He recalled that JCPOA signatories China, France, Germany and Britain have all tried their best to preserve the Iran deal and that "only the United States walked away."


"Only Donald Trump [did so]. His defense secretary thought he should keep it, his intelligence people thought he should keep it. The fact is this agreement is working," Kerry emphasized.


Trump announced Washington's withdrawal from "the horrible, one-sided [Iran nuclear] deal that should have never, ever been made." He pledged to reinstate the "hardest" ever sanctions on the Islamic Republic, which are due to enter its second phase in November and are expected to hit Tehran's oil sector.


Ahead of the announcement, Trump lambasted Kerry for reportedly trying to sit down with European leaders and Iran's foreign minister Javad Zarif in an attempt to salvage the JCPOA.


"John Kerry can't get over the fact that he had his chance and blew it! Stay away from negotiations John, you are hurting your country!" Trump wrote on his Twitter page at the time.

Anonymous ID: ee6593 Sept. 3, 2018, 2:51 p.m. No.2862652   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2876 >>3083

Afghan government in most serious crisis since end of Taliban reign


By Joseph Fitsanakis: The government of Afghanistan is facing one of its most serious crises since the end of the Taliban reign in 2001, as the country’s most senior security and intelligence officials tendered their resignations this week.


The unprecedented move followed a dramatic escalation in attacks against Afghan government installations by Taliban and Islamic State forces, which have resulted in dozens of casualties throughout the Central Asian country. On Saturday, Mohammad Haneef Atmar, longtime national security adviser to President Ashraf Ghani and one of Afghanistan’s most recognizable and powerful political figures, tendered his resignation. Many seasoned observers were surprised when President Ghani, who is a close political ally of Atmar, accepted his resignation and replaced him with Hamdullah Mohib, who until recently was Afghanistan’s ambassador to the United States.


But the political crisis deepened on Sunday when three more senior officials tendered letters of resignation. Tariq Shah Bahrami, Minister of Defense, Wais Ahmad Barmak, Minister of the Interior, and Masoom Stanekzai, head of Afghanistan’s National Security Directorate, all resigned their posts. All three have been subjected to intense criticism by Afghanistan’s political opposition and national media, for having failed to stop the anti-government insurgency, which is intensifying in nearly every one of the country’s provinces.


Criticism of the three men became even sharper last week after the Taliban launched a spectacular rocket attack on the Presidential Palace in the Afghan capital Kabul, which was heard in the background during President Ghani’s speech to commemorate the Muslim festival of Eid.


Late on Sunday, however, a presidential spokesman told media representatives that President Ghani had rejected the three officials’ resignations. Instead, he demanded that they stay in their posts and redouble their efforts to enhance the security of Afghanistan.


Later that same evening, the Presidential Palace issued a written statement to the media, which said that President Ghani “did not approve the [officials’] resignations”. Instead, he “gave them the necessary instructions to improve the security situation” in the country. Meanwhile, on Tuesday US Defense Secretary James Mattis insisted during a press conference in Washington that the current US strategy in Afghanistan is working and that the Talian would eventually be forced to negotiate, thus ending the country’s ongoing civil war.



Anonymous ID: ee6593 Sept. 3, 2018, 2:55 p.m. No.2862702   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hunting the Hunters: Inside the Minds of Elite Corrupt

Anonymous ID: ee6593 Sept. 3, 2018, 3:07 p.m. No.2862836   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2876 >>3083

Sexual Abuse Allegations Rock Nebraska Catholic Diocese


A slew of sexual abuse allegations in Nebraska against clergy in the Diocese of Lincoln has recently rocked the Roman Catholic church, bringing to light recollections of previous mismanagement.


In the past few weeks, a number of accusers have come forward alleging sexual abuse and misconduct. According to the Associated Press, the Nebraska diocese could be facing a criminal investigation.


Annual diocesan audits, meant to uncover sexual abuse, and conducted by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) were refused by the Diocese of Lincoln for over a decade between 2002 and 2015. Church leaders called them pointless. The Lincoln diocese has been the only church in the United States that has refused to join.


But one of the bishops during that period of time said he knew of at least 2 allegations against priests.


“I think the closed nature of the diocese made this worse,” Rachel Pokora, a member of the Catholic reformist group Call to Action told AP. “Even if the audits never revealed anything—and I think they probably would have—it still shows an unwillingness to be open.”


In what appears to be a response attempting to show transparency and accountability, the diocese on Aug. 29 announced the addition of an anonymous hotline and website to assist persons in making reports of misconduct in Lincoln.


“This hotline is not a substitute or alternative to calling law enforcement; it is intended to offer the maximum alternatives to make sure any wrong in the Church is uncovered and reported,” Bishop James Conley said in the announcement.


Nebraska’s attorney general, Doug Peterson, has called for more victims of sexual abuse by clergy or adults in positions of authority to come forward. In August on Twitter, he urged victims to “please report” any instances.


Lincoln police are currently investigating a priest accused of having an “emotionally inappropriate” relationship with a 19-year-old male altar server, involving alcohol in 2017. But the majority of the allegations are against Rev. James Benton, a 71-year-old priest. Church leaders were aware of the abuse allegations against Benton dating back at least 15 years, but he retired last year with no punishment.


Two Lincoln men, Stan Schulte and Jeffrey Hoover, both reported similar experiences of Benton molesting them when they were children. But Benton has not been charged with anything after church officials cited insufficient evidence. Both men have also spoken with an investigator from the Nebraska attorney general’s office.


Nebraska’s attorney general’s office and the USCCB did not respond to a request for comment on the recent allegations by press time. The allegations come after Pope Francis refused to comment about claims made by a former Vatican ambassador that he covered up sexual-abuse allegations against then-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick of the United States.


The Lincoln Diocese has also refused allowing female altar servers, highlighting its reputation as one of the country’s most conservative churches, according to AP. Nearly all Catholic churches have removed their bans on females shortly after the Vatican lifted the restriction in 1994.

Anonymous ID: ee6593 Sept. 3, 2018, 3:10 p.m. No.2862861   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2887 >>2899 >>2918

Nancy Pelosi Measures House’s Drapes from the Hamptons at Elite Soiree with Globalist Power Brokers


From the Hamptons on Long Island, New York, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is already plotting exactly what she intends to do should the House majority swing the Democrats’ way in November.


Instead of focusing on the needs of American workers and policy objectives for the United States on Labor Day weekend, Pelosi was “spotted,” along with Senate Democratic Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), at a glorious gathering this Labor Day weekend in East Hampton hosted by Discovery Inc. CEO David Zaslav.


Per Politico’s Playbook email, Pelosi and Schumer were hardly the only leftist stars at the power-studded event: Oprah Winfrey, the successful talk show host and potential 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, as well as media elites like Katie Couric, ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, NBC’s Savannah Guthrie, and The View co-host Joy Behar were there.


It’s not just media elites that Pelosi and Schumer were palling around with in the Hamptons this weekend. Also present, per Politico Playbook, was Goldman Sachs CEO and chairman Lloyd Blankfein–who still has not faced any consequences for his role in the financial crisis of 2008 despite apologizing for doing things he admitted were “wrong.” Blankfein was not the only Wall Street banking executive present: His heir apparent, David Solomon, was there too. Venture capitalist Alan Patricof was at the party as well, per Politico.


They did not leave entertainment elites out of this gathering, either. Tony Award-winning and Pulitzer Prize-winning Broadway producer Daryl Roth was at the ritzy gathering, as was Goodfellas co-screenwriter Nick Pileggi.


Television personality Martha Stewart, who was convicted a decade ago on insider trading charges and served several months in federal prison, posted this photo of herself with New England Patriots owner Bob Kraft and Oprah Winfrey at the soiree:


Cont. from images:

President Trump promised in 2016 that the forgotten men and women would be brought back into the economy. Now the July employment numbers, released Friday, confirm that those who have been left behind over the past two decades are beginning to find their places in their search for the American Dream.


America is getting back to work.


July 2018 marked the second-lowest number of unemployed Americans since before 9/11 in May of 2001, dropping to 6.28 million – 284,000 fewer that in the previous month.


What makes this low number of unemployed particularly impressive is that the total noninstitutional population has increased by more than 43 million since May 2001.


There are still two full months and a handful of days left between now and the election. Pelosi may want to be more careful in her planning in case Republicans, as many of them like to say they will, “defy history” and hold the House majority. If that happens, all her careful planning will be for naught–and she will have wasted all that precious time of all these elites she is hanging around with in the Hamptons.