Anonymous ID: 28ee80 Sept. 3, 2018, 5:28 p.m. No.2865114   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5192

Okay, here is a scary thought:

Remember how Q said “The sum of all fears” = a bomb explosion on US soil in a large arena and the uranium was from the USA.

Remember how Trump said he going to give a rally for Ted Cruz in the biggest stadium in Texas?

Remember how POTUS issued an EO for September to be a ‘prepare for disaster month”?

What happens to our food and water shipments if a major disaster occurs in Texas?

The Cabal attacked on 10/1/2017 in Las Vegas and October is their satanic sick month with Halloween.

According to their skull and bones belief, it predicted that Poppy is going to die in September and some are saying on 9/11… if so, that would be a big blow to the cabal and they would want to retaliate.

Think about it they already lost their “No Name” and if Poppy dies on 9/11 it is 17 days from ‘No Name’.

17 = Q, we don’t believe in coincidences so it would let the world know McCain did not die of his own choices that are to say natural causes or suicide but that he was taken out by the Q- team and that Poppy too on a date that is famous to the We the people of the United States and yet significant to the Islamic people too (they always want to attack us on this date, but now they lose a major player on this date to them).

So here my conclusion: We are to be prepared for there will be an attack on US soil and more than likely mimic the ‘sum of all fears’ and yet we are following along like sheep setting up for the perfect storm. When it does occur how easy for Trump to say ‘the storm is upon us’ and we will have a “Red October” and the Satanist will have a large sacrifice of humans to their beast. Both equaling a ‘Red Wave’ from the blood to the hate/anger that will come from it.