Anonymous ID: 4c5df2 Sept. 3, 2018, 5:28 p.m. No.2865103   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5141 >>5155 >>5227


Actually… this was too fast to be a coincidence…


"John Glacalone — MISTREATED WHISTLEBLOWER — former FBI Executive Assistant Director of the National Security Branch and the original Clinton email server investigation lead who was forced to retire when he objected to the coverup of the Clinton crimes and the take-over of his investigation by top management.

. The effort to clean up the Obama politicized FBI leadership continues under a President Trump appointed and Senate approved Director Christopher Wray. Nothing listed here should disparage the work being done by the rank and file agents in the field, many of whom have privately said they were appalled by the actions of the Washington leadership. Many have stated they would like to testify before an investigative committee of Congress to reveal the depth of corruption they have witnessed in the past decade. The FBI’s Director reports to the Deputy Attorney General who is at this time Rod Rosenstein.

. The prior Director of the FBI before James Comey was Robert Mueller, now the appointed Special Counsel to investigate any Russian collusion with the Donald Trump Campaign and prosecute almost anything he chooses to prosecute. It should be noted that James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, and Robert Mueller are long-term personal friends going back to college which continued through business and professional and family involvements. Such relationships should have resulted in Mueller recusing himself from accepting the appointment to investigate ANYTHING involving the FBI, Comey, and Rosenstein (Rosenstein recommended Comey’s firing to President Trump)."

Anonymous ID: 4c5df2 Sept. 3, 2018, 5:38 p.m. No.2865304   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5338


So you're laughing at yourself?

There's a post from TODAY that is "coincidentally very similar to Q's post today…"


Q Left Glacalone blank… the blog didn't…

I copypasta'd the blog's addition.



I guess you're laughing at yourself.