Ain’t Buying that shit for one minute As organic or not a slide
Less bread same shit
Ain’t Buying that shit for one minute As organic or not a slide
Less bread same shit
And I’m so worried my kid goes to school all slides and they eat it up like it’s candy
Now you’re on the right path
How about just Declas as Q said
NASA is just for the American people, it’s not the real space program. Do you really believe they destroyed all the Saturn five Rockets and technology from the 60s to build the space shuttle as they claim and that’s why we can’t send a man to the moon today?
We have to use old Saturn five rocket from Russia?
All bullshit
Thank you
I really hope Trump discloses what kind of progress we’ve made since that bullshit they told us 40 yrs ago.
It might be scary man I’m ready
Yeah that’s it, Q Is a 30-year-old Jewish guy. You thought of this all by yourself?
And the concernfemanons, blackdickfags, supportfags,stupidSlidetheoryfags