Anonymous ID: 089f75 MAGA Sept. 3, 2018, 7:19 p.m. No.2866993   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Since being awakened to the reality of the world after the events that transpired during the Sandy Hook shootings, and discovering how far the corruption in our country went I lost all hope for mankind. I was convinced that there was no

saving of this great nation (or the world for that matter) regardless of who was in office. I thought for sure that it was a done deal that Hillary would be the next president and that we would be in a 3rd World War before the end of 2017. Being a father, I can’t imagine raising my child in a world where America was no more, and I would more than likely be forced to go to a war for the elites. All of that changed during one of the best nights of my life, when Donald J. Trump was elected President. I have found myself having such a zeal for life and patriotism unlike ever before, and it has brought the best out of me. Reading these Q boards has strengthened my faith in The One and Only true God, the Alpha and Omega, The Savior of our world! Just knowing the dedication that these evil forces have to control us and manipulate this planet has completely revamped my dedication to God. I want you Patriots (of the highest order) to know that I pray for the Q team and our God-appointed President every day!


Isiah 41:10