Anonymous ID: 255d73 Sept. 3, 2018, 8:08 p.m. No.2867870   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8403

Russia closes 93 prisons in 7 years due to more lenient laws – official


A significant decrease in Russia’s prison population has led to the closing of 93 prisons in the last seven years, Deputy Justice Minister Valery Maksimenko has announced. Changes in criminal law haved caused the transformation.


“Because of changes in the crime-related policy of the state, the number of inmates in various penal institutions in our country has dropped by more than 200,000 since the year 2000 and today it amounts to 484,000,” Maksimenko told reporters on Monday.


He added that this allowed for the closure of 93 prisons over the past seven years, mostly in remote and hard-to reach regions, and to decrease the number of officers in the administration.


The deputy minister also said that his agency used the decrease in inmate numbers to optimize the entire national prison system. The Justice Ministry’s Federal Service for Execution of Punishment has altered the regime of 48 penal institutions, allowing convicted citizens to serve their sentences in prisons close to their places of residence.


The Russian prison system has faced criticism from civil rights activists and politicians in the past month after mass media circulated complaints about cruel treatment of prisoners in one of the facilities. Leaked videos showed administration officers beating and torturing inmates.


The scandal prompted a statement from Upper House Speaker Valentina Matviyenko, who urged a major reform of the Federal Service for Execution of Punishment, similar to the recent Russian military reform which appears to have stamped out the practice of brutal hazing in the forces.

Anonymous ID: 255d73 Sept. 3, 2018, 8:16 p.m. No.2867998   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8038 >>8225 >>8278 >>8288 >>8289 >>8397 >>8462

PAPAL PEDOGATE: Pope Francis Caught in the Act of Prelate VIP(s) Pedophilia Cover-up (Video)


Gives Code To The CIA’s Mockingbird Media That He Desperately Requires Their Protection

Pope’s first reaction was to declare silence on the matter because he had absolutely no defense


The video posted below captured Pope Francis’s first reactions to the bombshell report that he quite intentionally covered up the Pedogate crimes of senior prelates both in the Vatican and in Washington, D.C.


What makes the Roman Pontiff’s statements (See 3 screenshots above) so remarkable is that he was forced to make them because he truly has no defense. In other words, Francis is stone-cold guilty of the charges levied against him by Carlo Maria Viganò, the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States from 19 October 2011 to 12 April 2016.


Because Pope Francis has no defense whatsoever, there’s really nothing he can say that will vindicate himself, hence he issued no response to the proven allegations. In light of this unparalleled papal predicament, the Pope could only rely on the Mainstream Media to cover for him and the Gay Mafia in the Vatican.


Please read each statement above carefully and see how the Pope is using special code in asking for the media’s assistance. He knows that’s the only way out of his unprecedented pederasty mess, if there is even a way out for him. Without the MSM defending him every step of the way from this point forward, his pontifical reign is effectively over. Truly, Pope Francis Is Finished!

Anonymous ID: 255d73 Sept. 3, 2018, 8:29 p.m. No.2868193   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8224 >>8241

World Misses The Point Amid Internet Frenzy About Bush Sneaking Candy To Michelle Obama


As of this writing, a tweet by disgraced Broadway fraud convict Roland Scahill has 113 thousand shares and 472 thousand likes, which if you’re not used to Twitter is a ridiculously high amount that nobody generally hits. The tweet features nothing but four seconds of video footage from the John McCain funeral, and the caption “George W. Bush sneaking a piece of candy to Michelle Obama is warming my heart.”