Anonymous ID: 956e3e Sept. 3, 2018, 8:12 p.m. No.2867926   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7955

I can not wait until this war is over. I can go back to not tweeting like I used too… you know 12 followers and never used the damned account even though I had it for years!

The fake news awards in January, that is when I dusted off my account and answered the call of my country… It was a gas really stealing memes and busting seems lol. I felt useful.

It has been constant growth since then and I am not talking about the numbers of followers either, But personal growth… learning the ways of the chans, being part of something bigger and more noble than … just than…. Thank you for the growth, the experience, the plan, for everything… Thank you for giving us our country back and giving us a role in its happening…lol love you all, WWG1WGA… God Bless America!