Anonymous ID: c49396 Sept. 3, 2018, 8:40 p.m. No.2868340   🗄️.is 🔗kun

q, maaaaan(?)

you can list all the habbenings you want, but the msm is just going to ignore any patterns. people are now used to "regular" corruption being revealed, so seeing yet another CEO or crooked pol step down/get shamed is not enough. you need to actually lift the veil somehow! you've had nearly two YEARS now.

why ignore 9/11 so thoroughly? hopefully it will be a silver bullet you wield "some day".

so are we now into 2019 before we see anything blunt enough to reach our brainwashed families and friends?

my father was just diagnosed with cancer and i never thought we would be almost two YEARS into a Trump presidency without a big reveal. is he going to die thinking i'm a fucking kook? STILL? this is happening to many of us, every day. very few anons are millionaires/billionaires who can create bubbles within which to stay relatively safe from the constant toxins which have been helpfully added to our world.

the show sucks right now, but many still cling to the hope that 2018 could actually be glorious (and not be disinfo referring to 2019 or…).