I wish. Any hiringanon need a soon to be not employed databasefag? I'm available in 8 hours or so. Kek!
See shills? Not a bot. Kek!
You're missing out. But to each their own.
I've had the ringing for 4 months now. It's bull. Never been exposed to any enviro hazards to cause it.
They also damn well know who I am and where to find me. Have they? No.
No worry and march on. I hope it goes away sooner than later. Until then I'll keep at the good fight.
The upstream original and the post I'm replying to.
Attacks are intensifying, Moreso than normal under guise of respect my authoritah shilling.
Notice BO/BV and true autists ignore all of them. All day every day. They trust the plan and the anons doing good work.