Anonymous ID: b96352 Sept. 3, 2018, 10:11 p.m. No.2869426   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9556 >>9762 >>9970 >>0048

US and UK Need Some Pretext to Attack Syria – Investigative Journo


Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem has recently stated that the UK special services helped al-Nusra Front terrorists arrange a gas attack on civilians, stressing that canisters with chemical weapons had already found their way to Idlib. Speaking to Radio Sputnik, investigative journalist Christopher Oldcorn shared his views on the issue.


Sputnik: There are repeated warnings by the Syrian and Russian officials on possible provocations in Syria. They've been there for the last couple of weeks; nothing has been forthcoming. What's your take?


Christopher Oldcorn: It's typical American and British imperialism. Right now they need some sort of pretext to be able to attack Syria. Idlib is basically the last stronghold that the terrorists have in Syria. Somehow, so far, Assad and his Syrian Army have defeated the US and UK in this proxy war but Idlib is their last stand. If Assad can free Idlib, there is no foothold left in Syria for the Western countries. So they need to host some sort of false flag chemical attack to get the public support that they need to attack Syria. They need to paint Assad as some sort of animal, gassing his own people. Then the US and UK can bomb Syrian military installations and anything else they want. But why is he providing safe passage on the humanitarian route out of Idlib if his plan is just to kill his own people? It makes no sense.


Sputnik: What is your opinion about the timing of these warnings? Why is this information being released prior to the liberation of Idlib?


Christopher Oldcorn: Apparently, every time the war is almost over and Assad will finally liberate all of Syria, apparently, the best thing he thinks he can do is a chemical attack on the people he is trying to liberate, which would give the Western public the information it needs to attack Syria. Everyone who sort of buys this Western corporate media story on Syria has a major logical thinking problem.


Sputnik: Now if these claims are true then, in your view, who would support provocations against the Syrian government?


Christopher Oldcorn: Yeah, I mean, here is the Douma chemical attack for permission to hit both military and pharma facilities. What most people don't know, because it really wasn't reported particularly in the Western media, was some of the facilities that they bombed after Douma were an aspirin factory and a cancer drug factory. They weren't making chemical weapons, I mean there were people going through the rubble looking for survivors. If they were making sarin gas there those people would be dead, not looking for survivors, when they went in to look for survivors in the building. I think they are trying, now that they have control over the largest military on the planet, with UK backing, to get some money back for all the money that they are spending on lobbying. But Syria now has to buy those drugs from outside companies and all the big pharma companies are either British or American. No one is reporting that. Yes, they did bomb some military installations when the US and UK did their response to the Douma attack the day before, like the inspectors were supposed to arrive and no one is really reporting on that. And now I find it very-very interesting.

Anonymous ID: b96352 Sept. 3, 2018, 10:12 p.m. No.2869437   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9471 >>9556 >>9762 >>9970 >>0048

Ambassador Kurt Volker: US To Drastically Expand Military Assistance To Ukraine


Washington is upping the ante in Ukraine. Kurt Volker, US Special Representative for Ukraine Negotiations, said in an interview with the Guardian published on September 1 that “Washington is ready to expand arms supplies to Ukraine in order to build up the country’s naval and air defense forces in the face of continuing Russian support for eastern separatists.” According to him, the Trump administration was “absolutely” prepared to go further in supplying lethal weaponry to Ukrainian forces than the anti-tank missiles it delivered in April.


“They need lethal assistance,” he emphasized.


Mr. Volker explained that “[t]hey need to rebuild a navy and they have very limited air capability as well. I think we’ll have to look at air defense.”


The diplomat believes Ukraine needs unmanned aerial vehicles, counter-battery radar systems, and anti-sniper systems. The issue of lethal arms purchases has been discussed at the highest level.

Anonymous ID: b96352 Sept. 3, 2018, 10:25 p.m. No.2869523   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Erdogan Calls on Global Trading Partners to Smash US Dollar Monopoly


America's estranged, sanctioned NATO ally riling against the source of its power


Turkey will pursue non-dollar transactions in trade and investment with other countries, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in response to US sanctions. He compared the US’ behavior towards his country to “wild wolves.”


“We need to gradually end the monopoly of the dollar once and for all by using local and national currency among us,” Erdogan said at a business forum in Kyrgyzstan.


According to the Turkish president, a dollar-linked system which was designed to simplify global trade has turned into a major problem. The purpose of manipulating currency rates is to cast doubt on the strong and healthy Turkish economy, Erdogan said.


“America behaves like wild wolves. Don’t believe them,” Erdogan said. “Using the dollar only damages us. We will not give up. We will be victorious.”


Turkey is currently struggling with a severe currency crisis triggered by escalating US sanctions. The lira has lost around 42 percent of its value against the US dollar this year as a result of a diplomatic row between Ankara and Washington.


Data from the Turkish Statistical Institute showed the country’s inflation rate climbed to almost 18 percent last month. Consumer prices increased 17.9 percent in August from the same month in 2017.


Washington has been applying economic pressure on Ankara over the detention of US pastor Andrew Brunson, who was accused of aiding the failed military coup two years ago to oust President Erdogan. Brunson is facing up to 35 years in a Turkish prison.


So far, the White House has frozen the assets of Turkish Justice Minister Abdulhamit Gul and Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu over their alleged “leading roles” in Brunson’s imprisonment. US President Donald Trump also pledged to double the current tariffs imposed on Turkish steel and aluminum imports. In response, Ankara announced tariffs on imports of certain goods from the US, including cars, alcohol, and tobacco.

Anonymous ID: b96352 Sept. 3, 2018, 10:39 p.m. No.2869635   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9856

More 1 of 70 Egyptian media: John McCain was the “Godfather,” “leader,” and “real Supreme Guide” of the Muslim Brotherhood


McCain has already been canonized by an establishment media desperate to destroy President Trump in any way it can, but in Egypt they’re not so worshipful. McCain “was the main supporter for the terrorist Brotherhood. Senator McCain was the one who opened up the Congress to the Brotherhood. He was the one arranging the meetings and appointments and providing them with protection.”


Remember that when Michele Bachmann called for an investigation into Muslim Brotherhood infiltration in the U.S. government, McCain denounced her on the Senate floor as a bigot and an Islamophobe. There was no investigation.


“Egyptian media: John McCain is real Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood,” Middle East Monitor, September 3, 2018 (thanks to Lookmann):


Egyptian media has accused the late US senator and presidential nominee John McCain of being the ‘Godfather’, ‘leader’, and ‘real Supreme Guide’ of the Muslim Brotherhood organisation.


In remarks, he made during a talk show aired on Sada El-Balad TV, the Egyptian media personality and TV host Ahmed Moussa claimed that McCain, recognised in the US as a national war hero and longtime senator, was, in fact, the ‘real Supreme Guide’ of the Muslim Brotherhood.


“John McCain is the real Supreme Guide of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood, not Badee and not Akef,” Moussa said.


“Today was John McCain’s funeral, which the leaders of the criminal Brotherhood in America have taken part in,” he continued, “ and they performed the Absentee funeral prayer for John McCain in Qatar, Turkey, USA, and Britain. ”


“[McCain] was the main supporter for the terrorist Brotherhood,” he added. “Senator McCain was the one who opened up the Congress to the Brotherhood. He was the one arranging the meetings and appointments and providing them with protection.”…


Moussa said that McCain was “a stronger ally” to the Muslim Brotherhood than Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Emir of Qatar Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani….

Anonymous ID: b96352 Sept. 3, 2018, 10:41 p.m. No.2869646   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9662 >>9762 >>9970 >>0048

Alleged Source For Steele Dossier Sets Up $1 Million Fundraiser


An alleged source for the Steele dossier is seeking $1 million in an online fundraiser to combat “the Deep State” and “fake news consortium.”


Sergei Millian, a Belarusian-American businessman, set up the fundraiser on GoFundMe.


“Most of the pertinent details stay hidden from public view by a well-organized campaign of disinformation, twisting facts, and/or purely inaccurate reporting,” Millian wrote in a vaguely worded pitch that does not mention the dossier.


Millian has been identified as a source for some of the most salacious allegations made in the dossier, which was written by former British spy Christopher Steele and funded by the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee (DNC). As “Source D” and “Source E” in the dossier, Millian is behind the claim that the Kremlin has blackmail material on President Donald Trump. According to the recent book “Russian Roulette,” Millian unwittingly spoke to a source who was working for Steele as part of his investigation into Trump’s ties to Russia.


Millian, who is chairman of an obscure trade group called the Russian-American Chamber of Commerce, has claimed in the past to have worked for the Trump Organization, the Trump family’s real estate company. He has said in previous interviews that he helped broker real estate deals on behalf of Trump’s company involving Russians.


But some in the Trump orbit have accused Millian of lying about his links to Trump. Former Trump attorney Michael Cohen has called Millian a “phony” who overstated his ties to Trumpworld.


Even Glenn Simpson, the founder of the firm who hired Steele, believed Millian was “a big talker,” according to the recent book, “Russian Roulette.”


“Had Millian made something up or repeated rumors he had heard from others to impress Steele’s collector? Simpson had his doubts. He considered Millian a big talker,” reads the book, written by Michael Isikoff and David Corn. (RELATED: Fusion GPS Doubted The Credibility Of A Major Dossier Source)


Millian did have extensive contact with at least one member of the Trump campaign.


In July 2016, Millian reached out to Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos through LinkedIn to request a meeting. The pair met several times during the campaign. (RELATED: Papadopoulos Was Approached By ‘Highly Suspicious’ Businessmen, His Wife Claims)


Millian, whose real name is Siarhei Kukuts, has stayed out of the public spotlight since being identified as a dossier source. Congressional investigators have tried in vain to interview him.

Anonymous ID: b96352 Sept. 3, 2018, 10:47 p.m. No.2869692   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9699 >>9701 >>9746

Ex-Bush lawyer releases 42,000 pages of paperwork concerning Supreme Court docket nominee Kavanaugh


WASHINGTON – Hours earlier than the beginning of hearings on Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court docket, the lawyer for former president George W. Bush turned over 42,000 pages of paperwork from the nominee’s service within the Bush White Home, angering Senate Minority Chief Chuck Schumer who issued what is for certain to be a futile name to delay the proceedings.


Taylor Foy, a spokesman for Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, responded that “our evaluate group will have the ability to full its examination of this newest batch briefly order, earlier than tomorrow’s listening to begins.”


The hearings are scheduled for 9.30 Tuesday morning, with opening statements by committee members. No info was launched on the subject material of the paperwork and Bush’s lawyer requested that they be stored from the general public, made out there solely to committee members and employees.


Kavanaugh, appointed to the U.S. Court docket of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit by Bush, served the previous president within the White Home Counsel’s Workplace from 2001 to 2003 and as employees secretary from 2003 to 2006.


William Burck, a lawyer representing Bush, mentioned in a letter to Grassley that the 5,148 paperwork totaling 42,390 pages retrieved from the Nationwide Archives had been to be handled as “Committee Confidential,” with entry restricted to Judiciary Committee members and employees with no public availability, not less than in the interim.


Within the letter to Grassley, Burck mentioned attorneys engaged on behalf of the previous president would decide at a later date which of the paperwork are “acceptable for public launch.”