Anonymous ID: 066860 Sept. 4, 2018, 1:45 a.m. No.2870283   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0293 >>0313

>>2868845 pb

>>2868881 pb


On the subject of Nike and the subsequent protest happening, I just searched for Nike news and the first article listed on every search engine was this article from Huffing Paint making fun of protestors, or Haters as the “media outlet” called them. The author’s attitude was of derision, scorn and mocking, including screen caps of tweets backing up the authors scorn with the same derision from outrage screeching elites that scream about the President on a daily basis.


Their derogatory remarks werent so much of ridculing the act itself, but instead mocking the protestors on their unimportance. Proclamations that “Haters would have zero impact on the company”, “were sure Nike was quaking in fear” from a bunch of nobodies/or alt-right supremacists (take your pick) throwing away their “discontinued clearance shoes from Kohls”, “old people shoes”, and/or “discout nike garbage nobody would actually want”.


I found the whole thing distasteful to say the least. I wasn't suprised by their attitude to the protestors, as I know if it was the opposite the hypocrisy would know no bounds. However, these attitudes were more than another #resistance piece by huffing paint. Their attitudes have framed Nike as an elitist POS company with crappy products that nobody of real importance would want, except for a few “exclusive items”. Using scorn and gleeful mocking re: former Nike customers that most likely made up the bulk of their sales revenue, made for worse PR than all the other articles combined praising the comany for their groundbreaking and controversial decision; coincidentally which was the next full page of results.


Bottom lie, a comapny still needs to make sales to stay viable. And high priced exclusive and limited editions are not enought to sustain their business model or turn a continuous profit; quantity over price almost always wins. The merchandise destroyed/thrown out that only “ nobodies would have”, were most likely their most consistent and largest streams of sales revenue. Additionally celebrity tweets and scorn and derision from the MSM doesn't equal sales from current or former customers, nor make potential cutomers want to buy when mob rule might ridicule them later for a peronal stance.


Also, people that choose to get rid of all their gear from a brand, any brand, do so with the intention of replacing those items with something else. That makes them valuable potential new customers for a more welcoming market. The truth is that not everyone will be burning their sneakers, but I bet there will be a lot less Nike customers in the future. Personally I purchased several pairs of nikes for the beginning of school this year for my 4children. I’ll just throw away and wont purchase again, not because of Kapernick, but intead of how customers are being ridiculed and treated. There are many other companies to choose from. Nike has made the mistake of drinking the media’s leftist liberal forced false reality kool aid.

Anonymous ID: 066860 Sept. 4, 2018, 2:14 a.m. No.2870349   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0355 >>0358 >>0364


That is not actually the point I was making at all. I dont care if people burn shoes, its their stuff, they can do whatevee they want with it.

It was of the attitude of the blue checked marked idiots on twitter and the “author” and their condescension towards the basically in their view unwashed masses of nike customers that will no longer buy their product. doubling down doesn't work, it hasnt in the past and wont in the future, and it will be hard pressed to win back a large customer base that says, “well, fuck this shit, im done with nike.”

Kaepernick is neither brave nor a revolutionary. His intention with the kneeling fiasco was to stay relevant as he knew he was going to be up for a trade, or contract termination. SF didnt want him anymlonger and was looking forma way out with him; the kneeling would give him the excuse he needed to be the victum and blame SF for whatever victimized him the most. If he had been anywhere but SF, that liberal cesspool, nobody would’ve cared, except the commie Sports broadcasting networks & thier same opinion reporting and propaganda that is on every other MSM site. They kept making it the forefront of the sports news to suit their went mainstream bonkers after everyone coopted the same kmeeling, just bevause the Presidemt was against it. He was offerd a deal with Colorado, but with a pay cut, and he refused. Instead he now is going to sue the entire NFL for oppressing his rights and multimillion dollar career playig sports.

Anonymous ID: 066860 Sept. 4, 2018, 2:42 a.m. No.2870402   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0405



Its a few things i think of why they sct this way


1) They drank the koolaid of a forced false reality given by the media and so they have no idea what the average person wants, nor do they care. Its our way or your a -ist and -phobe.

2) hubris and extrme arrogance that it is incomprehensible to fathom the staggering level of complete rejection of all the agendas and polcies they’ve bern planning over decades. but, they think they are on the right side of history so they double down out of self-righteous pride

3) fuck Trump, fuck our racist bigoted trump supporting fans, fuck white peope

4) virtual signlling for worthless internet cred for a demographic that will never support them anyway even if they made every change wanted by everysjw group, ngo, and leftist mafia.

5) fans are idiots and disgusting to even have to deal with, we’re elite and know better

6) not pandering to outside normal fans is like lesving money on the table,

7) all publicity is still publicity

8) a mixture of the sbove and more

Anonymous ID: 066860 Sept. 4, 2018, 2:47 a.m. No.2870412   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0415 >>0423


Fair enough, thank you for clarifying. I didnt mean any disrespect. It is difficult these days in this invitonmrnt to tell what isreal conversation, what is distraction, and what is satire