Meet the Slavs
A people who do not know the meaning
Of the word, SURRENDER.
Many Americans
Have Slavic ancestors
Just do not… give up
Just do not… forget
Just do not… let (((them))) get away with it!
Meet the Slavs
A people who do not know the meaning
Of the word, SURRENDER.
Many Americans
Have Slavic ancestors
Just do not… give up
Just do not… forget
Just do not… let (((them))) get away with it!
More of Masha
Who you saw
In the last bread
You really do not know your history
Antifa were a group of communists
In prewar Germany
That used chaos and destruction
To prepare for the great Communist revolution
The Slavs were tricked by the communists
And enslaved for 70 years
But they NEVER forgot
And they NEVER forgave
And they kicked out the Communists in 1991
If you meet immigrants from Slavic countries
They are most likely to be Trump supporters
And even white supremacists
But they know all about Communism
And will not let anyone do that trick again.
this article backs up the testimony being made by survivors @FionaBa47662575 @Marianne_M_B and @SaRaAshcraft regarding MKUltra and MICHAEL AQUINO is named..@Neon_Revolt: Open Season for White Rabbits… … #GreatAwakening #MKUltra #Pizzagate #Pedogate #QAnonSteve Chasmata added,
this article backs up the testimony being made by survivors @FionaBa47662575 @Marianne_M_B and @SaRaAshcraft regarding MKUltra and MICHAEL AQUINO is named..@Neon_Revolt: Open Season for White Rabbits… … #GreatAwakening #MKUltra #Pizzagate …
A very wise man tells us
Don't spit in the well
Because later, you will need to drink from it.
Ask yourself
Why does this guy call all other countries
His partners?
Could it be that he understands
That on Planet Earth
We are all on the same boat
Where We Go One, We Go All!
Again it goes back to prewar Germany
Communist Antifa came first
Then another group of SOCIALISTS
The National Socialists
Reacted against Communism with a different idea
And eventually, they created their own Antifa
Called the Sturmabteilung
And nicknamed the Brownshirts
These Nazis used the same tactics as Antifa
And even attracted a lot of Communists
And Antifa people
To join their side.
You believe the doctored history books
That it was a simple bad guys against good guys situation
But there were more than two groups
There were the Jewish Zionists
There were the Jewish Socialists
There were the German nobility and wealthy class
There were the Monarchists that wanted the Kaiser back
There were the foreigners determined to keep Germany week
There were the Soviets who were HELPING the German military
By allowing them to run an airbase
At Lipetsk, just south of Moscow
Staffed entirely by German Air Force
And training fighter pilots using German warplanes
Against the rules of the Treaty of Versailles.
The Illuminati were orchestrating many of these people
On all sides
But it was never a black hat versus white hat operation.
The Nazis were fundamentally Nihilists
Just like the Communists
They believed in Socialism
Just like the Communists and the Fascists
Just different
And there was a subgroup of the Nazis
The Occultists, that were creating massive
Magical rituals
Like the Rallies at Nuremberg filmed by Leni Riefenstahl
And the slaughter of prisoners at 3 of the Jewish concentration camps
Not all of them, and only about 500,000 estimated.
They designed parades in Berlin
Created filmstars like Marlene Dietrich and popular music like Lili Marlene
Just like Hollywood, USA does.
This is called Noetic Science
And is an essential part of a Noetic World Order
We have always assumed
That Q referred to John McCain
As he whose name we do not speak
Simply because he was a traitor
But what if there was a message in that
And we have missed it so far
There was another evil person
Who was so feared that people would not say his name
Lord Voldemort
Could it be that there is something in the story
Of Harry Potter's main enemy
That has a parallel with McCain?
Something we have missed?
Some have noticed that McCain means
Son of Cain
And looked at the biblical story of Cain and Abel
But McCain is a Scottish surname
Voldemort studied in northern Scotland
At Hogwarts Academy
Roslyn chapel, the heart of the Freemasonry
Taught by Clan Sinclair
Is also in northern Scotland
Was McCain a GrandMaster mason?
Did he build a Deatheaters network like Voldemort did?
If you have read the Harry Potter books,
You may want to dig into McCain's history
And see if there is something to it