I'm not the anon that posted but…there is this
been around for awhile and there is more to be found
https:// www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/confused-about-the-pepsi-fetal-cell-issue-here-are-the-facts
I'm not the anon that posted but…there is this
been around for awhile and there is more to be found
https:// www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/confused-about-the-pepsi-fetal-cell-issue-here-are-the-facts
Just a bunch of self entitled liberal cucks
I'v seen that image many times and just now really looked at it.
Damn…he is still sporting those snake eyes after all this time?
that boy is uber paranoid on a normal day.
>>2870232" obsession with the exercise of power, especially in the domination of others.
synonyms: delusions of grandeur, folie de grandeur, thirst/lust for power; More
self-importance, egotism, conceit, conceitedness
"he's blinded by his own megalomania and quest for historic recognition at any cost"
delusion about one's own power or importance (typically as a symptom of manic or paranoid disorder)."
the definition of "Megalomania"
I hope we will not have to suffer through multiple NN dito funerals when their 'bill' comes due.
bro…sooo much shit has been scrubbed across the board. I am shocked at how deep the purge has really gone.
I don't speak russian
The black FEMA coffins have depots all over the US
Awesome anon…ty
If the heads of the hydra are cut off, then the minions will be nothing but scared little rabbits. They can do nothing without 'instructions'. Can't even tie their shoes in the morning. Why do you think Velcro had to be invented?
Hey…this is the Night Shift…:p
But granny makes really good pies!
"Fun while it lasted.
They never thought she would lose."
you know…she really does look quite devastated. Being a former nursefag, almost shocky.
ya…she cool
pretty much, yes
I wonder if Putin is going to let the proverbial Fuhrer out of the bag, and him taking a powder to Argentina with 3/4 of the German gold and art.
Adidas products are manufactured in 62 countries globally. About 60 percent of the German company's products are made in the Asia-Pacific region, with approximately 20 percent manufactured in the Americas and 17 percent in Africa and the Middle East. Most Adidas products are outsourced;
We need to start manufacturing our own products like we used to. Our quality control was par excellent.
Well God said there would come a time when Hell would have to enlarge itself.
Lord…ya best start that remodel, cuz I think an entire swamp wave is headed down that way.
a hanging body is not a 'bad state'. She must have been fugged up pretty bad by someone, and they don't want that seen. It smells as usual. Besides it's a yacht not a sail boat with rigging and booms.
I was tallying the newest sealed indictments today. Out of all 50 states, California has 8,458 dealed indictments. That is 16.3% of the total.
Guess where most of the crime is?
That's a fugging load of arrest warrants. And hope it is the entire State gov.
Is'nt this the document or one similar that was testified to in a hearing that she was never asked to sign? but here it says she did.
She fugged.
They will never get it anon.
you know some gonna miss the free bus ride tickets being handed out right now. When the time comes for them to pay for those once free tickets. It will cost more than some will be willing to pay.
ya know how that ends.
Ya mean, sorta like Judas pointing Jesus out to the Roman guard fr arrest by giving him a kiss on the cheek, in saying 'This is the one"?
That would be cold.
that is what they teach the kids. We evolved from pond slime.