According to L Ray Smith, a Bible translator from the Hebrew and Greek scriptures, "Lucifer" is "ONE OF THE BIGGEST LIES IN ALL CHRISTENDOM"
Read the details here (scroll down the page about 1/3), but…
The word (not name) Lucifer originated from a translation error of the Hebrew words "yah-lahl" transliterated "eililu" which in English means "howl" or "oh howl" (as a wolf would "howl" at the moon. When you read the context from Isiah 14:12, you will read a poem in which the repeating lines and words "howl" appear. Then without any seeming rhyme or reason the word "eill" is translated "Lucifer".
From Mat 5:18 we read: "For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in NO WISE PASS from the law, till all be fulfilled"
A "jot" is a Greek "iota" (Greek: "iota") and in Hebrew a "tittle" is a "yod," which is the very smallest stroke in a Hebrew letter. What happened was that the name "Lucifer" arose from a lost or missing "iota" thereby transforming "howl" into an unrecognizable Hebrew word that was then translated into the Latin "Lucifer" or morning star.
The name "Lucifer arose from a Hebrew transcription error which was then mistranslated from Hebrew to Latin as the name "Lucifer".