Anonymous ID: d60b6f Sept. 4, 2018, 7:04 a.m. No.2871394   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Patriots, don't be fooled. We are at War. We have been at War.


This is the enemy's plan:


While aboard the USS Anchorage, there was a Patriot soldier working maps. This soldier was in the room and privy to a conversation held via conference between then Pres Hussein & General Mattis.


In this conversation, Hussein stated he wanted Mattis and the US Military to DISARM every US Citizen - door to door, if necessary.


Mattis strongly refused & stated that not only would he not do so, but that he would issue orders to shoot every blue hat (UN) that tried to do so.


Shortly afterward, Mattis was replaced.


We must defend our country against these Domestic Enemies.


President Trump has ordered September as Preparedness month. BE PREPARED. Be Aware. Doubt Nothing. As Gen. Mattis quoted, "Be polite, Be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet."