"Trump Blasts" How do you destroy an enemy citadel? For 7 Billion, Alex..
Patriots leave no dying friends on the battlefield. We have our hands full at home right now, but you will prosper from our blood, sweat, and tears.
Pray…it is the 'Magic Sword'…more than you know..
One more sad proof of who REALLY won WWII..
The tree of freedom is watered..
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. It is it's natural manure."
-Thomas Jefferson:
SPACE FORCE1 - PEOC, KeyHoles welded shut.
Q+ - SPACE FORCE1 Congratulations! Come on home, well done troopers.
SPACE FORCE1 ACTUAL - Thank you, Sir!
SF1A - Go ahead, general
Q - All frequency bands terminated. FVEYES blind. Snow White and the 7 dwarves…back to sleep. Tell the crew to freshen up, their going to meet somebody important when wheels down.
SF1A - 5:5 sir!
Part of the sacrificial ceremonies to their (g)od Moloch (piss on him) is offering up the innocent, a child. It tells them they are above our laws and are a law unto themselves, free from moral restraints. Sick AF!
Next to the Russians…need me sum clushun!
This one sure is..