>>2871729 The hearing is just a continuation of the faux McStain funeral. Losers bleating their woe to the world. But muh abortion! But muh perv world! Suck it, losers, while you watch us win until we are so far ahead you can't even see our dust.
>>2871957 Can you imagine? She spent her 15 minutes of fame on THIS??? Disgraced for all time, but she looks pleased with herself. + size Dumbass!
I was not watching planes. Just checked. Currently seeing 134 mil a/c over CONUS. A typical number for weekday, daylight.
Found this plane. It's listed as a B742, callsign Bacon22, over N MO. Frankly I have no idea if it's unusual to be flying there at this time, or not.
Altitude steady and no radar trail shown, so it's hard to predict course.
>>2872174 Some people NEED to feel a German shepherd's jaws on their gluteus maximus.
You're watching marine traffic around Falmouth, MA (land end of Cape Cod).
I see 87 choppers over CONUS (mil + civ)…a low number reflecting early morning in part of the country.
Zoomed in over Falmouth and no choppers seen in that area. Will keep eyes on for a little while.
Are you going to check news sites for LE activity there?
>>2872250 That right there, lads, is a 5%er for sure. Just drag her on out to the onion fields & put her to work. She can cry all day.
Correct. I don't attribute anything particular to seeing one aloft. This one is descending toward Lincoln, NE <12,000' prob gonna land