>>2871698 last bread
Technically, yes, Werner von Braun and his Nazi pals
America was paying their salaries. Wright-Patterson AFB was teeming with Nazis, living in their own compound, at least until they could be distributed further afield for camouflage.
You'll love this: the Nazis never had to pay any taxes.
If you want something to really make you itch, dig on how many Germans ended up not just at NASA but at all the military industrial contracting companies. Boeing, Lockheed, Raytheon, all of 'em.
America just decided to work them into the national fabric and keep the hoopla to a minimum. The Russians got probably just as many, but Russia was SO ANGRY at Germany for murdering so many million Russians that they treated them like total shit once they had them in country. Russia hated them so much that they didn't exploit them as much as they could have. The hatred was justified: they lost 20 million people. Not just Jews - it was anyone and everyone.
We just gave them money to make them bring America up to par technologically with where the Germans were. We weren't, and aren't, taught in school how far ahead they were, and the degree of difference is really shocking. Are they genetically more intelligent? Maybe so.
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