Anonymous ID: 8c5d0c Sept. 4, 2018, 9:03 a.m. No.2872962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3062 >>3121

Brett Kavanaugh confirmation tracker:



where every senator stands on Trump’s Supreme Court nominee

Anonymous ID: 8c5d0c Sept. 4, 2018, 9:10 a.m. No.2873047   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3060 >>3062 >>3121 >>3200

Undecided Republicans to watch


Susan Collins of Maine on July 9 – "I will conduct a careful, thorough vetting of the President's nominee to the Supreme Court, as I have done with the five previous Supreme Court Justices whom I have considered. I look forward to Judge Kavanaugh's public hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee and to questioning him in a meeting in my office."


Lisa Murkowski of Alaska on July 9 – "While I have not met Judge Kavanaugh, I look forward to sitting down for a personal meeting with him. I intend to review Judge Kavanaugh's decisions on the bench and writings off the bench, and pay careful attention to his responses to questions posed by my colleagues on the Senate Judiciary Committee."


Jeff Flake of Arizona on July 9 – "As I have said before, approving a nominee who will interpret the Constitution rather than legislate from the bench should be our top priority. I look forward to meeting with Judge Kavanaugh and reviewing his record throughout the confirmation process."



Undecided Democrats


Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire on July 9 – "I will only support Judge Kavanaugh's nomination if he protects the civil rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution."


Catherine Cortez Masto of Nevada on July 9 – "I plan to meet with Judge Kavanaugh in the coming months and will review his qualifications thoroughly."


Chris Coons of Delaware on July 9 – "I will meet with Judge Kavanaugh, thoroughly review his extensive record, and ask him direct, hard questions in both public and private settings. I will also do my best to make as clear as possible to the people of Delaware and the nation as a whole what it would mean to have Judge Kavanaugh on the highest court in the land."


Tammy Duckworth of Illinois on July 9 – "Whoever replaces Justice Kennedy will play a critical role in the lives of all women and every single American. Moving forward, I will thoroughly review Judge Kavanaugh's rulings, evaluate his qualifications and look for him to make it clear to the American public that he would be independent, not simply a rubber stamp for Donald Trump's whims, if he hopes to earn my support."


Brian Schatz of Hawaii on July 9 – "I will continue to study Judge Kavanaugh's record and follow his hearing closely, but I have grave reservations about this nominee."


Bill Nelson of Florida on July 9 – "I look forward to meeting with the President's nominee in the coming weeks to discuss his views on several important issues such as protecting women's rights, guaranteeing access to health care for those with pre-existing conditions and protecting the right to vote, just to name a few. I will make my decision after that."


Jon Tester of Montana on July 9 – "I take my constitutional duty to screen the President's nominees very seriously, and in the coming weeks I look forward to meeting with Judge Kavanaugh. Montanans have a lot on the line with this next Supreme Court Justice so I urge my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to put politics aside and do what's best for this nation."


Joe Donnelly of Indiana on July 9 – "As I have said, part of my job as senator includes thoroughly considering judicial nominations, including to the Supreme Court. I will take the same approach as I have previously for a Supreme Court vacancy. Following the President's announcement, I will carefully review and consider the record and qualifications of Judge Brett Kavanaugh."