Anonymous ID: 8e8af5 Sept. 4, 2018, 8:30 a.m. No.2872467   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2625 >>2730 >>2754 >>2760 >>2765 >>2775 >>2874 >>2884 >>2986 >>3062 >>3103 >>3121 >>3141 >>3148

> Be innocent and 100% certain there's no evidence for a crime

> Know that you will be framed for the crimes of your opponent

> Know that your attempts to administer actual Justice would be opposed if done in the daylight

> Appoint Jeff Sessions whom the left hate

> Jeff Sessions appoints Rod Rosenstein whom the left love

> Rod Rosenstein appoints Robert Mueller who the left think will take down Trump

> Jeff Sessions is now the keystone of the investigation, and must remain if they want Mueller to remain (even though they hate him, they have to love him)

> Jeff Sessions is now invincible (genius?)

> Attack Jeff Sessions regularly causing the left to rally around a man they're supposed to be hating

> Jeff Sessions appoints Huber to quietly investigate the true crimes of the election as well as Horowitz to do internal investigation of FBI

> Month over Month unprecedented levels of unsealed indictments piles up (50k+ and counting)

> Horowitz releases damning report, Rod Rosenstein edits the report last minute to soften the blow and insist on "No Bias" (which is immediately contradicted by the report itself)

> Media blackout, MSM chasing my laser pointer like good kittens

> Be willing to suffer all slings and arrows (scandals real and imaginary) for the sake of cover

> Huber unseals all indictments

> National Guard is engaged to assist on capturing all indicted, ports shut down.

> Say: My Fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us…

> Can't fire Sessions because Mueller still working

> Military Tribunals set up because Horowitz demonstrated the standard courts cannot be trusted due to political bias infesting the system

> Robert Mueller concludes with no crimes found against me

> 2018 becomes GLORIOUS

> Democrat Party ceases to exist

> Perp Walk

> Military Perade

> Tip of the Iceberg: Now that their crimes are official, the next act is motive.

> Why did they go to such lengths to take me down before and after I was elected POTUS?

> What did they think I would find out?

> What did they think I would do about it?

> I will bring the PAIN


The Great Awakening

Anonymous ID: 8e8af5 Sept. 4, 2018, 8:40 a.m. No.2872614   🗄️.is 🔗kun




rewind about a minute

Anonymous ID: 8e8af5 Sept. 4, 2018, 9:01 a.m. No.2872935   🗄️.is 🔗kun






Good question ASSHOLE


Let's see the emails, lets see the server!!!

Anonymous ID: 8e8af5 Sept. 4, 2018, 9:10 a.m. No.2873042   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I'm not 100% certain about Mueller, if he's a willing pawn or if he actually thinks he can take down Trump. From the Q drops it seems to show he's being controlled and was specifically chosen by Trump (hence the interview the day before).


I think there is a legit concern about cyber attacks and voter integrity so his investigation might end up bolstering the need for Voter ID


Mueller will NOT be the one indicting Hillary, Huber will.