Anonymous ID: 30512b Sept. 4, 2018, 10:13 a.m. No.2873829   🗄️.is 🔗kun

According history, every jewish person who is a resident of Britain is here illegally. Jews were expelled in 1290 in the reign of King Edward Ist. 360 Years ago, we saw the re-admission of the Jews into England-and this was an initiative of OLIVER CROMWELL who staged a revolt against the entrenched monarchial monopoly of Britain. My research has led me to conclude that there were in fact jews in prominent positions, who had inter-married with British aristocrats, and happily living and scheming behind the scenes of British society all the way through the expulsion period. In fact, it now seems to be unfolding before my very eyes as I research a new documentary series, that the jews of London FINANCED CROMWELL. The re-admission of jews to Britain in 1656, under the ‘Cromwellian Protectorate’ is interpreted by some as evidence of Cromwell’s ‘compassion’ -but in truth the Cromwellian challenge to the authority of monarchy was in fact financed by jews.


By 1665, the jews of Britain and the Netherlands had over-taken the diamond and slave businesses. The jews were so confident in their economic domination of both Dutch and British royal houses, that they crowned their own jewish-kabbalistic king. Shabbetai Zevi was the crowned king of the jews in Amsterdam - a man who was a satanist, who believed that wickedness of all sick perversions would hasten the coming of the true messiah. Zevi was said to be born on the 9th of Av in 1626, to a wealthy family of merchants in Smyrna (now Izmir, Turkey)-this is the port from which PLAGUE was exported all over the Christian empire. He received a thorough Talmudic and Luciferian education, filled with the Hebrew racist tradition that every citizen on planet earth is a SLAVE to the jews. In his teens, he was ordained as a hakham — a member of the rabbinic elite-something similar to the Sannehdrin wise elders of Zion. He was eventually expelled from the Jewish conservative communities in Salonika and Constantinople (now Istanbul) for violating the ten commandments and performing satanic, blasphemous acts, such as sodomy with his daughter and animals. In the 1660s he arrived in Egypt via Israel. The turning point in his messianic career came in 1665 as the result of a meeting with his self-appointed prophet, Nathan of Gaza. Nathan spread rumours that Zevi was the one true messiah of the jews and therefore is the true king of the world.


Shabbetai Tzvi entered a state of trance-like ecstasy and began performing ma’asim zarim, the rabbis tried to stop him, but it was too late. With his followers, he stormed the synagogue and berated his rabbinical opponents as ‘unclean animals’. He declared himself the anointed one of God. His crowning of the world of jews coincided with a new religious movement, emanating from the town of Safed in northern Israel called Lurianic Kabbalah. The new doctrine held that the creation of the world had sent the presence of God into exile, shattering the divine light into countless sparks, and concealing them within the shells of mundane reality. By uncovering and raising up these sparks through mystical prayer and ritual, the redemption — not only of the Jewish people but of the cosmos and of God himself — could be achieved. But more than that, pure satanic wickedness, drinking blood, killing of gentile babies, this wickedness would hasten the arrival of the one true messiah - which Zevi proclaimed himself to be! Thus, his Levite movement became a cancerous growth, destroying society from within, permeating all governments to be run by - and for the benefit of - evil, violent perverts. Zevi converted to ISLAM, and his followers today control the government of TURKEY - they are known as the DONMEH, and are prevalent all over Saudi Arabia and the Middle East.