Did you know pleadians don't like pedoraptors like Ginsberg or the others
Bye the way
The dulce peanut owns the pleadian walnuts and was hidden in plain sight in front of a courthouse.
So curl up and die already
Did you know pleadians don't like pedoraptors like Ginsberg or the others
Bye the way
The dulce peanut owns the pleadian walnuts and was hidden in plain sight in front of a courthouse.
So curl up and die already
Seems like the bystandard effect is truly septic by colluding creeps
How bout
Mame them and put them in a small room with an iPad
Bambi don't know it's dinner
Feeling guilty over eating/killing your young, try some livestock as a crutch till the ghosts of your offspring release from your lower intestines .
A deer won't love you like a homotus
But it might live you like a child
That wasn't eaten
Sort of
Feed them corn to fatten them up and to sweeten the meat
Baby deer are cute and affectionate and are suitable for replacing your devoured offspring when forcing the spouse into a lobotomy isn't practical anymore .
Sometimes the shock of owning a deer can supplant your spouses emotions For the missing young
Use a bear cub for your husband that Is missing his ritually cannibalized son
I wonder why fexas farms soooooooo many deer