Anonymous ID: 8e74df Sept. 4, 2018, 10:06 a.m. No.2873738   đŸ—„ïž.is 🔗kun

And in what capacity or role did Lindsey Graham and McCain make these trips???


Senator Graham often promoted his experience in the Middle East, saying he made 36 trips to the region,


"By law, senators are not allowed to make foreign policy during their trips abroad, which are meant to be fact finding in nature."


McCain and Graham went on numerous trips to the middle east together.


How much did Graham know about McCain's secret trips? What was McCain doing in Syria 2013?


Senator McCain has every right to oppose President Obama's policies toward Syria, as loudly and publicly as he deems necessary. But in meeting with Syrian rebels, he's purposely set off a chain of events which may force the United States in a war with Syria. Nowhere in the Constitution is an individual senator given the power to single-handedly declare war. [Stabley Times]

McCain has done a bit of freelance diplomacy in the past, though. He visited with Libyan rebels before the U.S. and its European allies provided weapons and air support that led to the overthrow and death of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi — and eventually, the Benghazi attack that killed U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens. And, as McCain himself told us, he met with Gadhafi, too.

Late evening with Col. Qadhafi at his "ranch" in Libya - interesting meeting with an interesting man.

— John McCain (@SenJohnMcCain) August 15, 2009

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) agrees with McCain about Syria, but he apparently feels a little levity is called for regarding McCain's covert day trip:

Best wishes to @senjohnmccain in Syria today. If he doesn't make it back calling dibs on his office.

— Lindsey Graham (@GrahamBlog) May 27, 2013


https://wwFirst published in January 2015. John McCain’s links to the terrorists.


« Al Qaeda R Us »: John McCain’s « Moderate Rebels » in Syria are ISIS~2016


Poor John McCain and Lindsey Graham, Washington’s original first couple.


Hannity: I’m not trying to cause a fight, sir.


McCain: No, no, we’re going to have a fight because it’s patently false. This is the same Rand Paul that said we didn’t want to have anything to do with anything to do in the Middle East, by the way. I don’t want to get in a fight with him at all, but it’s not true.

" I know these people. I’m in contact with them all the time," and he is not. He is not.~John McCain


Team America: ISIS is ‘McCain’s Army’


Is John McCain also working in a CIA capacity, or for a foreign entity – with all these official ‘unofficial” trips to visit such controversial array of insurgents?


Aside from Syria, he also met with fascist and NeoNazi leaders in Ukraine before the CIA backed coup in February 2014, as well as visiting jailed Muslim Brotherhood agents in Cairo, Egypt, lobbying for their release alongside US Senator Lindsey Graham.

Undoubtedly, McCain has played a central role in both civil collapses in both Libya and Syria, often visiting behind enemy lines in undeclared wars. Through Turkey and into Syria,  McCain, along with pro-war colleagues like Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN), were sneaked behind terrorist lines in 2013, escorted by ex-special forces paid circa $1,500 per day with journalists, to meeting with “Free Syrian Army” (mercenary) militants and assorted Islamic terrorists, in order to make promises on behalf of the Washington – with all travel expenses (and brown envelopes?) courtesy of the US taxpayer.


And which Senator was with McCain on numerous trips? Lindsey Graham. Is Isis Lindsey Graham's Army, too?


And other Senator backer- Joe Lieberman. These 3 stooges should have caused red flags and sirens to go off!!! How many of these trips broke the law?

Anonymous ID: 8e74df Sept. 4, 2018, 10:13 a.m. No.2873832   đŸ—„ïž.is 🔗kun

Another sinister questionable group involving John Podesta is a left-wing liberal political action committee and 501c tax-exempt organization that promotes progressive politics, especially with regard to U.S. foreign policy; specifically, military affairs.


A front group for the Democrat Party, it was formed in 2006 over opposition to President George W. Bush policy in Iraq. Their stated mission reads, "which primarily helps elect Iraq and Afghanistan war veteran candidates and educates about veterans and military issues aimed at influencing the outcome of the next election." [1] VoteVets operates the Vote Vets Action Fund. They want the world and the IRS to believe these are two separate and distinct organizations. VoteVets is immersed in the left-wing sphere of influence such as the Americans Against Escalation in Iraq coalition.[2]


Associations and primary fundraisers include Democrats the DCCC, AFL-CIO and SEIU labor unions, the Center for American Progress,, Media Matters for America, many other Shadow party/George Soros backed organizations such as democratic donors and operatives Fund for America, run by John Podesta.[3]


Co-Founder and Chairman Jon Soltz, an Iraq War veteran, became involved in politics by volunteering for Massachusetts Senator John Kerry's failed presidential bid in 2004.


VoteVets claims 95,000 members???


In mid-2008, began airing ads attacking veteran and former Vietnam POW, Senator John McCain during his failed presidential bid. The scam of it all is that VoteVets attacked McCain a veteran, while 'non-armed forces' candidate Barack Obama gets VoteVets full support.


VoteVets being a liberal organization, will not take Barack Obama to task for military action in Libya, Afghanistan, and other African countries.


They have put together opposition to Rush Limbaugh, demanding his censorship and removal from the Armed Forces Radio network,[8] even though the military said they will not remove Rush.


Most of their articles are in the Huffington Post.