Anonymous ID: d1c37c Sept. 4, 2018, 10:40 a.m. No.2874196   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4208 >>4215 >>4233 >>4235 >>4239 >>4510

The Louisiana Purchase wasn't Napoleon's to give.


The French originally claimed the land, then gifted it to the Spanish. The Spanish then traded it to Napoleon in exchange for a small kingdom in Europe, but this Kingdom was a complete scam. The Spanish were too weak to argue and accepted it. A few short years later, Napoleon sells it to the US for almost nothing. Technically, the Spanish could still make claim if they really wanted to. But such a notion is absurd โ€“ unless the US is weakened enough to become subordinate.


The Civil War happened not long after this. The Southern states were actually sympathetic to the monarchies of Europe and this is why they were hunky-doery about slavery (since, Monarchy is all about slavery). Perhaps the Civil War was an attempt to reclaim the Louisiana Purchase territories and put the bloodline of Louis back onto the throne โ€“ IN AMERICA


Who is that? Q told us recently, Payseur!


Since then, when else could this have happened?


Could part of the plot of the original WW2 plan have been an American French Monarchy? Is that CRAZY? Well, Spain was very sympathetic to Hitler. It's almost certain that Hitler escaped Europe through Spain to Argentina, which is also a NAZI safe haven. Originally, Hitler was going to conquer Europe, the USA would be weakened and defeated, terms of Surrender might include giving back the Louisiana Purchase territory to Spain. Spain, of course, would cede it back to France.


Wait, what? WHY? Well, why did France surrender so easily? Well, they were part of the plot from the beginning. They couldn't overtly ally with Germany, so the better solution would be to be defeated early with little loss of life. in exchange for this, they were promised that their ancient bloodline of kings would be restored in America. South America would lose it's independence and become a Spanish Monarchy again.


So the Civil War, and WW2 had aims to make the US a Monarchy. Luckily that all stopped right? Wrong. This is why they're pushing Open Borders right now. They want to flood the states with Mexicans and South Americans and this will create a political climate ripe enough for the Spanish to finally make their claim for the land back.


Call me crazy, but prove me wrong.

Anonymous ID: d1c37c Sept. 4, 2018, 10:51 a.m. No.2874334   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



I've been deep diving the Age of Exploration for several months now and I think a MASSIVE fuck up happened. The French Revolution was originally going to be a master play to bring the NWO into being. Things got really fucked up and this is the cause of all the big wars ever since. They had a big plan to resolve this RIGHT NOW but luckily Trump won and we're NOT currently in the midst of WW3 which would have ended in World Government.


I can't figure out if Napoleon was a white or a black hat.

Anonymous ID: d1c37c Sept. 4, 2018, 11:02 a.m. No.2874494   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4732



By being targetted for a legal take down, Trump is setting the stage for legal take downs of Obama.


They can't say that it's inappropriate to indict a President when for the past two years they were trying to do just that.

Anonymous ID: d1c37c Sept. 4, 2018, 11:09 a.m. No.2874573   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



By the way, Spain is and has always been the Vatican's country.


They liberated Spain from the Muslims and ultimately conquered it all in the yearโ€ฆ.




Whoa?! Just a coincidence.


Spain can make a claim for Louisiana back. Weakened America who doesn't care about borders anymore anyway and is nerely overrun by foreigners anyway, says "Sure brah, here you go, it wasn't ours to begin with heehee".


Then the Pope says to Spain, now give it back to their original owners which is France.


Then the Pope tells France to restore their Monarchy in Louisiana.


Was Napoleon working for the Pope? Perhaps he was there to restore the idea of Monarchy to Europe which had become so fragile. Napoleon was on his way to claim Louisiana back in the states when Haiti stopped him.


Oh Haiti, why is such a small island so central to modern history?