Anonymous ID: d9884c Sept. 4, 2018, 10:26 a.m. No.2874018   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4152



Germany Chemnitz Daniel H. false flag !!!!


But now comes the hammer. It all looks like the murder and everything that happened after that was planned long ago. Already on August 24th, 2 days before the murder (!!!), the Weser Kurier stopped an article with the headline "Die Toten Hosen spielt in Chemnitz". In it writes the Weser courier: "The aim of the event, which takes place on Monday, September 3, from 17 clock at the Karl Marx Monument, is to set a sign against the law. "Thousands of people move through Chemnitz, exploit a miserable murder and hunt people again because of their origin or skin color," explain the organizers on Facebook. "How did the Weser Kurier know that two days later someone is murdered beastly by a foreigner? By clicking on the picture you can see the whole screenshot.


Everyone can easily understand that the above photo is not a forgery when entering the keywords Weser Kurier Toten Hosen on Google News. The current fourth contribution in the list (possibly different) shows the named article. Google states that this article was discontinued for 10 days, ie on 24th August 2018. Meanwhile, the date on the page of the Weser Kurier has been changed to the 31st of August. But the internet does not forget anything.


We have received further interesting information about the crime, which we do not want to withhold from you. A good friend of the victim, who has known Daniel Hillig for 14 years, is appalled by what happened, including:


"At this point I would like to clear up the truth about the death of Daniel. He was not stabbed, he was slaughtered! The first meeting was already a total escort. One Russian, at the first meeting these cankers drew one or two beer bottles over their skulls, which collapsed immediately bleeding. Negi and his second buddy, they then smashed away. The three Arabs then headed to the "ALANYA" bistro and came running with 9 to 12 people "and stabbed as obsessed with the people. When it was all over, Negi (Daniel's nickname) knelt upright on the sidewalk, as if he wanted to pray, held his back, and shortly thereafter tilted forward, ending his life story. Daniel succumbed to the sum of 25 to 30 stab wounds in the chest, abdomen and back. "


It was therefore not an act in the affect or otherwise, as the lies press wants to make us credible. The offense of manslaughter is by no means an option. The FRG cuddly justice but it will try to get away with the Iraqi knife murderer halfway unscathed. This must be prevented - through education and demonstrations.

Anonymous ID: d9884c Sept. 4, 2018, 10:31 a.m. No.2874082   🗄️.is 🔗kun



for Poland anons!


>Reintegration tax to cover the costs of moving 3.3 million Jews to Poland


>"I just wanted to know who has to pay the tax? Is it the polish people, which would be okay for me, or is it to be shared all over the world or who is doing this?"


>"Yeah, i think it wouldn't be bad to tax the germans of course, which is what… what you were implying of course. I think it wouldn't be bad. I think this would also be the first… it would be a precedense… because it would be the first case of one country taxing the citizens of another country. I think this would be a marvelous international precedense. I think thats… a kind of absurd gesture. It would be wonderful."


Vid link

