Anonymous ID: fc4166 Sept. 4, 2018, 11:29 a.m. No.2874910   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anons….this is so perfect imma say it again….


Wapo Stooge and CIA Stenographer, Bob Woodward, gives a few snippets from his upcoming slander book in a ZeroHedge article.

—-Kelly's predecessor, Reince Priebus, was also on the receiving end of some scathing comments from Trump, who reportedly told former staff secretary Rob Porter to ignore Preibus's orders, describing the then-chief-of-staff as "a little rat" who "just scurries around."—-

If you ever wondered if POTUS could suffer that little punk prick, wonder no more. I’ll bet Bannon used to soak his nuts in

Priebus’s coffee too. Can you see Steve not wanting to slice off his ear or some shit?

Holy shit, I love my President! That made my fucking year. Seriously. This is the best President this country will ever have and this is clearly the best timeline to have landed in.

Boss, I love the hell outta you. No homo.

Q - pleeeeaaaaasssseeee tell POTUS he not only restored my faith in the Republic but also made me howl with joy.