Part 1:
Let’s do some good news; bad news. The bad news first. Judge, since your nomination in July, you have been accused of hitting women, hitting children, hating clean air, wanting dirty water. You’ve been declared “an existential threat to our nation.” Alumni of Yale law school incensed that faculty members at your alma mater praised your selection wrote a public letter to the school saying, “People will die if Judge Kavanaugh is confirmed.” This dribble is patently absurd and I worry that we’re going to hear more of it over the next few days, but the good news is it is absurd and the American people don’t believe any of it. This stuff isn’t about Brett Kavanaugh, when screamers say this stuff for cable tv news. The people who know you better, not those who are trying to get on tv, they tell a completely different story about who Brett Kavanaugh is. You’ve earned high praise from the many lawyers, both right and left, who have appeared before you during your 12 years on the D.C. circuit and those who had you as a Professor at Yale Law and Harvard Law. People in legal circles invariably applaud your mind, your work, your temperament, your collegiality. That’s who Brett Kavanaugh is and to quote Lisa Blatt?, a Supreme Court attorney from the left who has known you for a decade, “Sometimes a superstar is just a superstar and that’s the case with this judge, the senate should confirm him.”
It’s pretty obvious to most people going about their work today that the deranged comments actually don’t’ have anything to do with you, so we should figure out why do we talk like this about Supreme Court nominations now. There’s a bunch that’s atypical in the last 19-20 months in America. Senator Korbachar? Is right. The comments from the White House yesterday about trying to politicize the Department of Justice they were wrong and they should be condemned. My guess is that Judge Kavanaugh would condemn them, but really the reason these hearings don’t work, it’s not because of Donald Trump; it’s not because of anything in the last 20 months. These confirmation hearings haven’t worked for 31 years in America. People are going to pretend that Americans have no historical memory and supposedly there haven’t been screaming protesters saying women are going to die at every hearing for decades, but this has been happening since Robert Bjork?. This is a 31-year tradition; there is nothing really new the last 18 months.
So, the fact that the hysteria has nothing to do with you means that we should ask what’s the hysteria coming from. The hysteria around Supreme Court nomination hearings is coming from the fact that we have a fundamental misunderstanding of the role of the Supreme Court in American life now. Our political commentary talks about the Supreme Court like there are people wearing red and blue jerseys. That’s a really dangerous thing, and by the way if they have red and blue jerseys I would welcome my colleagues to introduce the legislation that ends lifetime tenure for the judiciary, because if they’re just politicians then the people should have power and they shouldn’t have lifetime appointments. So, until you introduce that legislation I don’t believe you really want the Supreme Court to be a politicized body though that’s the way we constantly talk about it now. We can and we should do better than this; it’s predictable that every confirmation hearing now is going to be an overblown politicized circus and it’s because we’ve accepted a new theory about how our three branches of government should work and in particular about how our government should work.