Don't be so quick to point Roberts as a victim just to score some points against Hussein.
Robert's intentions with his shady adoption may have been genuine family creation as his wife may have had fertility difficulties (1/4 couples have fertility problems) and it's very difficult to adopt white children, because there are very few available. White women are genuinely much more responsible and virtuous and the ones who aren't, are usually the type who are particularly susceptible to Schlomo's social engineering through promotion of mixed-race coupling. Blacks generally begin reproducing at puberty, whereas whites often wait until their early 30's. So I'd guess that was probably Robert's motivation for the shady, back-channel adoption, BUT:
A. You have to realize, he got his children from the SAME types of trafficking networks as the one's who wanted them for their Satanic parties. Maybe you could think of it in a way as he "saved" them from whoever else would've gotten a hold of them, but still, he's using and contributing to the existence of these markets.
B. Hussein deserves to die 100x over anyways, there's no need to prove his crimes any more than we have already, so it's m00t.
C. The fact that you were blackmailed does not mitigate the fact that you sold out the country to enact an unconstitutional Stalin-esque law the goal of which was eventual total gov't takeover of health care to eventually facilitate targeted hits, industrial scale organ harvesting, and society-wide eugenics the likes of which make vaccine, Monsanto, and chem trail induced health crises look like a runny-nose outbreak. Luckily we got Trump, and that was averted, but NOTHING can forgive his being a deciding vote to keep alive the system that WOULD have ended in that.